Maki Park Opens with Questions About Accessibility
Maki Park is a beautiful, 3 tiered park now open in Downtown Gardner. However, as we took photographs on August 23, 2024 it was immediately apparent that there are accessibility issues. Currently there are stairs, but the park is not ADA compliant as shown. While we were taking photos, there was a handicapped lady attempting to navigate with a motorized wheelchair and she was unable to do so.
As the original purpose of building the park included a desire to create an ADA compliant space due to the non-compliant 15 degree grade, we have reached out to the Mayor’s office to inquire. Mayor Nicholson immediately responded and is looking in to the matter with Planner Trevor Beauregard.
$180,000 of the $376,000 cost was paid via City of Gardner funds and the remainder was covered by American Rescue Plan Act monies. The park replaces the former Maki Building which was torn down years ago. SEE Photo, CLICK HERE.