Residents who are interested can contact the Town Manager via email at bmckinney@winchendon-ma.gov
Winchendon’s Town Manager Takes Proactive Action in Advance of Budget Concerns
Inflation is causing budget problems for Massachusetts communities including Winchendon. Very simply, costs are going up quicker than tax levies can keep up. Solution is cutting costs or raising property taxes through Proposition 2 ½ overrides. Winchendon Town Manager Bill McKinney is attempting to get out ahead of a projected problem with the Fiscal 2026 Town Budget. Of the $35 million budget, $15 million comes from property taxes, and it’s off by at least $1.5 million for the next fiscal year. We spoke with McKinney about the ad hoc committee he is forming to study the budget in detail and we talked about some of the numbers. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
The ad hoc committee being formed to study the budget in detail will be composed of the Town Manager, representatives from Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Finance Committee, and 3 residents. Meeting schedule will be created once it has been formed and it will likely meet a couple of times per month. McKinney stated, “I want the residents to, you know, to have a say in what kind of town they want.”
McKinney told us about 3 big problems totaling a one million dollar increase. 1. Debt is increasing with principal payments due in Fiscal 2026. 2. Health insurance is going up 10%. 3. Pension contribution is going up 10%. Other items include the significant increase in school transportation costs. Town Manager Bill McKinney explained that “everything is out on our website” Visit Town of Winchendon website, CLICK HERE.