The late, famous newscaster Walter C. voiced this editorial for us. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Editorial Commentary – Path from Here – the Racetrack
BayState Racing LLC submitted a revised Host Community Agreement in which it substantially increased the financial rewards for Gardner. It answered every citizen and City Council mentioned concern in a considered, respectful manner. Accordingly, out of fairness, the City Council should allow more time for review. Certainly there are emotions involved whether it’s animal care or water, but in reality, those two issues have already been solved in concept and will be objectively addressed in any mandated obligations of the project proponent. What’s left is a bias against horse racing and/or gambling shared by many. But is that fair? Think of this: I personally don’t like animal racing, gambling, lottery tickets, alcohol sales, cigarette sales, cannabis establishments, and motorcycles. But, with that said, a consistent application of fairness would give this group due consideration. And who knows, upon review, even the staunchest opponents might just see “all the answers” and “all the rewards” for Gardner. Werner Poegel, Publisher.