Fiance of City Councilor Dana Heath speaks to us after City Council Meeting – Kimberly Blake and others accused of harassment

Blake was recorded making several bizarre statements in several different rants. None are worth repeating.
According to City Councilor Dana Heath’s wife(fiance) Tiffany, Kimberly Blake and others allegedly harassed her at the City Council meeting of June 3, 2024. Kimberly Blake had openly recruited disruptors ahead of the meeting via Facebook posts. When Gardner Magazine views the video and publishes the AUDIO of the meeting, we’ll see what effect, if any, the disruptors had on the meeting itself. We present the moving interview here with Tiffany. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner MA City Council Meeting was held on Monday, June 3, 2024 – We will publish details on that meeting as soon as available.
Update: 6/3/24: 11:48pm – Gardner Magazine has obtained video proof of the verbal harassment by Kimberly Blake showing her aggressive stance. Screenshot shows the police officers needed to be there to keep the peace. After that, Blake made her way in to the hall, and then came back to harass City Councilor Dana Heath. Blake finally left without needing to be arrested. Gardner Police were observed to be calm throughout the incident, advising people to go in separate directions. Video has AUDIO of what was said. Gardner Magazine does not think the public interest would be served by making a fool out of Blake by playing the AUDIO. A citizen posted the actual video of what occurred after the meeting. Here is the link, CLICK HERE.
Publisher’s Note: In my opinion, It doesn’t get much more bizarre than this. In my opinion, the behavior is certainly concerning. Blake allegedly verbally attacked Tiffany in public with bizarre comments about a relationship Heath had with an ex-spouse which ended many years ago. Blake has consistently posted, or as an admin of the Facebook group, allowed to be posted, various false and salacious statements about City Councilor Dana Heath who is a well respected role model for youth in the community and a well-respected City Councilor.
Note: The DeMeo/Blake Facebook Group supposedly has 16.1K members. However, posts Blake puts out regarding disrupting meetings generally are getting from 1 dozen to 4 dozen likes and even less comments, showing that 99.99% of the group does not participate in the nonsense. Those who disagree in comments are generally banned from the group – no dissent is allowed. The problem is that Blake is conspiring to cause conflict. In my opinion, it only takes one nutcase to do harm and it is a shame that anyone has to be escorted out of a meeting for their own safety. It is awful that Tiffany’s business is put at risk due to false statements being made on Social Media. The truth is that Gardner has a City Council composed of individuals with integrity and a Mayor who has integrity. The Objective proof: For 4 years in a row, the State and Federal government have given Gardner a perfect AUDIT score. Would someone please kindly tell Kimberly Blake that her actions are not helpful to neither the City nor the people of Gardner?