$13,088,995.23 was cut from department requests. Proposal has a buffer of $4,284.51 between anticipated revenue and budgetary expenses. Otherwise, it is balanced.
It’s Only May First – And Gardner Mayor Nicholson Releases Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
Last December, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson informed the City Council that he would be providing much more detailed information for the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and he has delivered with over 500 pages of detailed explanation. View the entire document in PDF format, CLICK HERE.
In a statement the Mayor said, “The goal of this format is to provide the most transparent information on the City’s current financial standing. I believe this new format will help provide the clearest pictures as to how the budget was constructed, where the money is coming from, and how it is being spent, both for your deliberations, as well as for our constituents to understand and see. Also included this year is a breakdown of the impact that each department has on the average tax bill for a single- family home in the City.”
The Mayor wrote, “The total of the FY2025 Budget as a balance of $88,013,663.74 (the money orders associated with the budget add up to $86,103,997.00 because they do not include the impact of the Cherry Sheet from the Commonwealth in the votes). This is inclusive of all General Fund, Cable, School, and Enterprise Funds.”
Each City Councilor is getting a copy of the following per the Mayor: “By Monday evening’s Council Meeting, every councilor will receive 1) a purple folder that has a copy of the budget in the previous format for ease of transition between formats, 2) a large white binder with the full information included on the website, 3) a large binder containing all of the City’s collective bargaining agreements and non-union personnel policies, and 4) a smaller binder color-coded per committee with the budget information for the departments for which each committee has oversight.”