Gardner’s No Nonsense Councilor Is “No Boloney Tassone“
We spoke with Gardner MA City Councilor Paul Tassone on March 24, 2023 and again on March 24, 2024. We’re calling our conversation, the “No Boloney Tassone” Interview. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
The Councilor filled an unexpired term and is now serving a full 2 year term after being re-elected in November 2023. We asked about improvements in the past year and Tassone responded, “We’ve done quite a bit of infrastructure work with the roads and sidewalks. And coming this summer, we’ll be doing more work both on Reagan, Moran, and I believe Greenwood. And there’s several other streets that we’ll be working on.”
Councilor Tassone is earning the trust of his ward through some hard work. “I’ve had the honor of speaking with many of the residents in Ward 3, whether it be about trees being dead or being removed on their particular street or whether or not, they’re having issues from a property perspective. I’ve made house visits. I’ve listened to what people had to say. Anytime someone gives me a call on the phone, I answer the call. And I’m always good to follow up and follow through.”
No Boloney: Tassone stated he’s had fairly good success in working with City Departments including DPW, Building, or Health. “I am a straight shooter, Werner, 100%. What comes out of my mouth is I’m going to come straight at it and I’m going to get to the bottom of it.” We asked, “Is that why some constituents are calling you No Boloney Tassone?” and the Councilor said, ” I love it, from time to time, I guess that’s OK.”
Tassone complimented the Mayor on his transparency. He understands why a new salt shed was needed, but wants the City Council to do its due diligence to get the money back in to the stabilization account. Tassone also complimented the City Council President on the job she does.
Regarding Downtown Gardner: “It’s very easy to drive through the downtown and see the major improvements that we’ve done to our downtown and much more to come with rear Main Street as well. Businesses continue to open up housing, rental housing available in the downtown area. More prevalent now than in years past. Millions of dollars have been spent in our downtown to improve the look, the feel, and the overall community, to be quite honest with you, I’m proud of what I see moving forward and moving in the downtown area.”
Tassone had much more to say which you can hear in the complete AUDIO of the interview above. He concluded, “I would just say I appreciate my constituents in Ward 3 having confidence in me, and voting me in for two more years this past November. I do appreciate that. I’m going to continue to work hard, and we’ll continue to see Gardner improve over the next year. I’m sure we’ll talk before then, Werner, but I think we will have even more exciting things happening in the next year, for sure.”