Previous Articles with meeting AUDIO on this matter:
Planning Board October 10, 2023
Planning Board November 14, 2023
In December, Private Oversight LLC requested an extension to the January meeting.
Planning Board January 9, 2024
The Planning Board met on February 20, 2024 and put the matter on the next month’s calendar.
Multi Family Proposed Project Facing Abutter Opposition
Private Oversight, LLC is proposing to build a project of 52 units of Multi family housing, 42 in Gardner, and 10 in Templeton. Attorney for the proponent, Christine Tree indicated that a Planning Board decision on the site plan is being sought first. Chairman Lafond agreed that resolving any Planning Board issues would make sense so there are no conflicts between boards. “We will wait for the Planning Board to go through their site plan review.” However, even after that was stated, various opposing abutters wanted to be heard and were heard. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Various abutters oppose the project. One reason is a general opposition to having multi-family housing in a single family area. Another reason concerned the potential for the project to affect drainage. According to one abutter opposed to the project, another developer who clear cut land in the same area on the Templeton side caused drainage issues for abutters. At the meeting, the attorney for Private Oversight LLC offered to email project plan details to abutters if desired.
The Board voted to take up the matter again at its April 16, 2024 meeting.