An Article at Request of School Bus Driver Concerned About Kids
A conscientious school bus driver approached us on Social Media about an article on Bus Safety so here it is. It is very important that vehicles stop for a school bus for the safety of our most precious cargo: our children. The bus driver posted, “I have had numerous people run my reds! Please note that when I activate my red lights and stop sign EVERYONE MUST STOP. Please remember that we are transporting the most precious cargo, YOUR CHILDREN.”
Avoid stiff fines. Stop for the bus. Massachusetts Law requires you to stop for a bus with flashing lights and an extended stop sign, whether driving behind or toward the bus. You can drive past when the lights stop flashing or the sign folds back in. Similar rules apply to any smaller vehicles transporting students with flashing red lights and School Bus signs on top of the vehicle. So stop and save a life.
About 400,000 Massachusetts students are transported by school buses every year. The majority of school bus-related injuries are to pedestrians who are boarding or exiting a bus. Children ages 4 to 7 are at the highest risk. Mass.Gov has a School Bus Safety fact sheet, CLICK HERE.