This is one of the photos which we have enhanced which more accurately shows Aaron Pennington. Some of the other media reports have gone back to an original photo which law enforcement subsequently updated. Of course, today his appearance could be completely different.
Editorial: Law Enforcement Has Been in Continual Search for Pennington
Media Reports on January 5th and January 6th about a “resumed search” for Aaron Pennington are at worst somewhat inaccurate and at the very least incomplete. Law enforcement we have spoken to over the past several months have indicated that all avenues have been explored regarding the location of the fugitive suspected in the murder of his wife. The search is local, state, national, and international, and just because some local lead is pursued does not change the fact: they haven’t found him yet and they are looking everywhere using every local, state, and Federal tool at their disposal. He might be found tomorrow or sometime down the line. But rest assured, they are looking for him. And the best way of catching someone is not to reveal all the information which is known. That is the procedure followed in every fugitive hunt. Law enforcement is much more capable, talented, vigilant, and on the task than it is often given credit for and we are very thankful for the job they do every day.