For the Council meeting agenda and packet, CLICK HERE

Progress Towards Community Center as $550,000 loan approved by Gardner MA City Council
The Gardner City Council on September 18, 2023 approved Mayor Michael Nicholson’s request to borrow $550,000 for work at the Waterford Street School on a vote of 10 to 1. Councilor Walsh cast the lone dissenting vote objecting to the lack of a current income stream. The City is moving towards turning the school into the Gardner Community Center. However, certain repairs are needed before the building is suitable for tenants.
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Other matters including a couple of pole hearings regarding the placement of poles on Park Street, various appointments, , and Upcoming Elections.
The Potato Factor
In response to an Open Meeting Law Complaint by Paul DeMeo who objected to what the Council members believe was an appropriate Executive Session to discuss leases etc. regarding Waterford, Council members voted unanimously to authorize City Council President Kazinskas to send a response.
DeMeo, who is known by some as Pauly Potato, is the admin for a Gardner Facebook group who frequently makes disparaging remarks about various public officials and has been caught up in frequent inaccuracies. Those who have a different opinion from his are often immediately removed from his group. It is unknown why DeMeo acts in this manner. Emails to DeMeo from Gardner Magazine asking about what is behind his conduct have gone unanswered. Gardner Magazine has reached out to the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office to find out if there are any penalties planned against DeMeo.
For our original article including AUDIO of the announcement on October 3, 2022 and which organizations will be tenants in the building, CLICK HERE.