Remembering 9 11 Collage

22 years later – 9/11 Remembered in Greater Gardner MA

September 11, 2001: Both the South and North Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City were destroyed by terrorist planes. The Pentagon was hit and damaged. A 4th plane crashed in Pennsylvania due to brave passengers. Total immediate loss of life was over 3 thousand with many later deaths from health conditions related to debris from the fallen buildings. First responders are credited with saving thousands of lives and many hundreds of public safety personnel perished on that day and later.

Resources for more information: Wikipedia —- —- 911Memorial —- Britannica.

Recent National Geographic Video on YouTube

Pentagon Attack from Dept. of Defense – Video

We will never forget those who perished or were injured. We will never forget all of those affected including their families. We will never forget the unselfish sacrifice of first responders on one of the worst days in American history.