For more details and the complete page on the Gardner Summer Centennial Celebration taking place Saturday, July 22, 2023 from noon to 6pm at Mount Wachusett Community College, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Focuses on Gardner Events, Amenities, and Public Input in Update
Listen to the Update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Events: City Summer Centennial Celebration Saturday July 22, 2023 from noon to 6pm at Mount Wachusett Community College. —- Fall Centennial Celebration Parade September 17, 2023 – (Entrance fee businesses $100, Non-profit $25) Registrations still open —- Farmers Market is Thursdays from 8:30am to 12:30pm at Waterford Street School. Vendors can contact Nadine Smith at (978) 413-1859 (Crafters this year too) Gardner Senior Center is offering coupons. —- Senior Center Cookout is noon on Wednesday July 26th at the Templeton Fish and Gun Club. Tickets available at Senior Center.
Public Input: August 2, 2023 6-7pm Public meeting regarding Wayfinding —- MART met with City officials regarding public transportation in the City. —-The Gardner Cultural Council is having a Community Input Survey.
Amenities: Greenwood Pool Open Again beginning Saturday July 22, 2023. Spray Park to open in 1-2 weeks if all goes well. —- Park Street Park visits encouraged – reminder that Crystal Lake is a reservoir and not for swimming.
Greenwood Pool is shown on July 21, 2023 ready to open Saturday July 22nd.