Listen to the Gardner Magazine interview with Jon Zlotnik on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Jon Zlotnik Seeks Voters Stamp of New Senate Role
Representative Jonathan Zlotnik of Gardner MA is currently a member of a group of 160 people comprising the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He seeks this Fall to become one of 40 Massachusetts State Senators. (The opening came about because Senator Anne Gobi joined the Healey Administration.) Zlotnik announced an endorsement from the current governor and lieutenant governor. Gardner Magazine spoke with Representative Jon Zlotnik about his campaign for the Massachusetts State Senate. We covered specifics about the past 10 years and he explained why he wants this job in the State Senate. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Zlotnik stated at a campaign kickoff event in Gardner, “We’ve had a lot of successes in recent years. We’ve knocked out some major projects in my district. Housing and economic development, infrastructure, and veterans housing. Tens of millions of dollars in state investment, backed up by many tens of millions of dollars in investment from the private sector. We have several hundred new units of housing in the pipeline. Each and every one of those projects happened because we worked together. Resources and policy from the state, local cooperation, and private capital to make all this happen.” Other local officials praised Zlotnik including Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. Zlotnik has a website with more info, CLICK HERE.