Gardner MA Yard Salers Speak About the Chair City
Gardner Magazine made the rounds to some of the dozens of Yard Sales held in the Chair City on Sunday May 21, 2023 and we asked these wise individuals for their opinions on what’s going on in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Sometimes when you want to know what people really think, just ask, and that’s exactly what we did. In general, people like the direction Gardner is pursuing. The subject of the roads kept coming up. However, when we told people that Gardner was putting more in to roads now than ever before, they preferred doing what Gardner is doing rather than seeing a big tax increase in order to do things faster. There were also other positives and other negatives and we thank all who participated. Your opinions matter.
As for the Yard Sales themselves, 87 homes participated according to the map and from what people told us, traffic was brisk and the customers were buying. Alphabetical List by street of 87 participants: JPG Image PDF.