Common sense is sound, practical judgment concerning everyday matters, or a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge in a manner that is shared by nearly all people.
EDITORIAL – Common Sense Solution to Open Meeting Law Concerns and Worries
Gardner Magazine reached out informally to a contact at the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office. In my view, for some time, Gardner has opened itself up to potential violations when a few simple changes could avoid ALL problems. Based on an exchange with my contact, here’s my suggestions.
Councilor Walsh was simply being prudent. Most likely there is NO PROBLEM. However, I make the following common sense suggestions 1. If a group of Councilors want an item on the agenda (5 or less so it’s not a quorum) send the request to the Clerk’s office for inclusion on the agenda and discuss only at the Open Meeting. Don’t even email a meeting agenda, make Councilors get it from the same section on the website as the public. 2. Get rid of the very silly “New Business” and have an “Unanticipated Topics” section instead. If someone attempts to speak on something which clearly could have been anticipated, either the Council President or another Councilor could raise a point of order, suggesting that the matter be posted for discussion at the next meeting. Simple common sense changes, NO MORE POTENTIAL PROBLEMS. Sometimes a little common sense is the easiest solution. And common sense doesn’t cost anything.