Finding the best use for existing City-owned buildings, getting vacant buildings occupied again, and aiding in the sale of buildings needing renovation is yielding visibly positive results in Gardner, MA. Most notably is the recent sale of the Garbose Building with renovations already underway.
The Story of 3 Centers in the Chair City of Gardner MA
Community Center
The Community Center at the site of the former Waterford Street School is a done deal, with some tenants of the building already moving some things in. It will house the C.A.C., the Gardner Senior Center, GAAMHA, and Growing Places with all being able to expand services as a result of the move. Official opening is anticipated sometime this year.
Visitors Center
The Visitors Center may become so again, or it could be the site of a new restaurant or even the Chamber of Commerce which is interested in the site but is also looking at the former Gardner News building. Right now, Gardner awaits a creative land swap whereby Gardner gets ownership to the Visitors Center and the State of Massachusetts will get title to some land across from Dunn’s Park. Legislative approval for the swap could take some time.
Chair City Arts & Music Center?
The City of Gardner has been speaking with various parties interested in utilizing the former Helen Mae Sauter School. GALA, the Gardner Area League of Artists is in the process of reviewing a lease for the building. Will the building become the Chair City Arts & Music Center? We will let you know when we have any official word. Shown in our graphic is an AI altered picture with a convenient Art Center entrance at the left of the building.