To the Youth of Gardner: Thanks for being great! Your efforts at being great people has been noticed. And thank you to the adults in the Gardner Public School system for being great mentors to Gardner’s kids – and all the parents for your support.
Youth: What Gardner MA Is Getting Right – A Few Examples
Gardner Youth are getting noticed and recognized. Gardner High School has a periodic “Wildcat Winner” to showcase various student achievements.
40 Gardner High School Sophomores and Juniors went to Umass Lowell to get a tour of the campus. According to Gardner High School, their tour guides said,” “This was the nicest, best behaved group of students we’ve ever had.”
Grade 8 and Art 1 classes are making May baskets to bring to Wachusett Manor and Gardner Rehab the first week in May. “Making May Baskets with all donated materials from Seaman Paper in our Grade 8 and Art 1 classes. Seaman Paper is going to collect them when we are done and fill them, and then we will deliver them to the two long-term facilities in town “
Gardner Sports Teams and coaches have put in a considerable amount of work over the past year and it showed with various levels of success. Jeanny Sainvil put together a Clothing Drive. Students launched a United Way Youth Venture Project. Other students from the woodworking program helped to fix tables in the library. There was a successful Community and Culture Festival. Diversity was celebrated with a Flag Parade. There was excellence in Music and in Art. And best of all, there has been so much student enthusiasm and support for each other.