View the packets which contain all of the items taken up at the various meetings.
Informal Meeting
Regular Meeting
Gardner MA City Council Meets February 21, 2023
Finance Committee packet —- Informal City Council packet —- Regular City Council packet
The Finance Committee met at 5:30pm and discussed the Mayor’s Proposal for $60,000 for person to help write grants and $150,000 for Fire Department Equipment – Both DPW Business Mgr. Coughlin and Fire Chief LaGoy appeared. Listen on any device. Click Play.
An informal meeting of the Gardner MA City Council was held on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 6:15pm concerning a proposal to change to the following salaries on January 1, 2024: Mayor: $99,836, City Council President: $11,594.15, City Councilor: $7,933.01, School Committee Member: $5,414.28. Council President Kazinskas, “I support raises at this point.” Councilor Walsh pointed out that a City Ordinance has the Finance Committee making a recommendation and suggested that the matter be sent back to the Finance Committee. Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play.
Regular City Council Meeting was Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 7:30pm. Confirmation of Attorney Robert Charland as Assistant City Solicitor – referred to Committee,… Mayor’s request for $60,000 to hire a dedicated person to “research the available opportunities that could benefit the City, write the applications, and administer the projects.” Referred back to Finance Committee on vote of 7-3 …. Mayor’s request for $150,000 for Fire Department equipment for new truck arriving in 2024 APPROVED.…Sports Betting Locations….Increasing Number of possible Cannabis establishments….Uptown Rotary Construction….Regan Street One Way referred back to Public Safety Committee…and Route 140 Zoning. Packet contains study from 2010. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.