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After the Storm – Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City and has various reminders.
Mayor Nicholson reviews the storms of the past week, explains Gardner’s response, and goes over the process. The Mayor also covers various important reminders and we have easy page links in the list of topics below.
Here’s a list of topics covered this week:
Thanks DPW, Police, Fire, Dispatch Personnel – “I want to thank our DPW workers for really working around the clock to keep the streets clear, picking up the trees as they started to fall, making sure National Grid could get to where they need to go…and our first responders for answering those 911 calls and responding to situations….” |
2300 properties in Gardner lost power at same time including the Mayor’s, some for well over 24 hours. |
Reminded residents to sign up for the City’s Code Red Calls. Signup link, CLICK HERE. “That’s really the most important way that we can get out information to the public…” |
Explained how State regulations govern the activation of overnight shelters in the City and explained City’s plan in case the “second storm was gonna cause another power outage.” |
Described Emergency Management Director Paul Topolsky as the “brainchild behind all of our emergency plans…” City Emergency Management page…click here. |
Talked about visit of Commander BJ Farrell of the USS Constitution to Gardner |
Reminded residents of Ward 3 that they have until February 1st to submit letter of interest for the vacant Council seat. – Council to vote at February 6th meeting. Contact City Clerk’s office if interested in position. |
Burning season has begun but you need a permit. Link for permit. |
Property Taxes due February 1st. Treasurer/Collector page. |
Reminded residents that it is the individual’s responsibility to get excise tax bill stating, “Every year we always have an issue with excise taxes, in particular with people who don’t notify us that….address has changed…” |
Make sure to fill out City Census forms which have been mailed out by the City Clerk’s office. |
Free dog licenses for residents over age of 70 still require you to register your dog. Dog License page. |
Building Department to do multi-family inspections this year. Mayor explained what they will inspect. Building Department Link |
Listen to the update on any device. CLICK Play.