Gardner Elm Street Fire Station 1920
Elm Street Fire Station 1920
Gardner MA Fire Headquarters 100+ Years Later

Investing in the Gardner Fire Department paid off in the 1920s. It will pay off in the 2020’s as well.

Gardner MA Fire Station Progress of 100 Years in the Chair City

In the Past

Prior to Gardner becoming a City, fires needed to be fought with gear transported via horse and buggy. In Mayor Chester Pearson’s Inauguration speech of 1923, he spoke of a desire to have a fully motorized Fire Department. Of course, this eventually happened.

In the Present

Today, the Gardner Fire Department is a proud force of men and women who everyday keep the City of Gardner safe, fighting fires, doing rescues, and so much more. Once again, the Fire Department is in need of funding for upgrades and/or repairs to the Headquarters building and upgrades to equipment.

In the Future

With aging equipment, the Gardner Fire Department recent audit revealed a need to plan for future purchases to include a new Fire Truck – It’s on the radar of the Mayor and City Council and already discussed at meetings.