Government Greater Gardner MA Local News
Gardner MA Centennial
- Parade – Performance (9/21/2023)
AUDIO of Gardner MA Centennial Parade and GHS – UMASS Performance
For our readers and listeners, we are making AUDIO available for you to listen to on any device. CLICK PLAY. If you missed it, or just want to enjoy the parade and performances again, here they are:
Centennial Parade 9-17-23 GHS – UMASS Band Performance 9-17-23
- Parade Deadline (8/15/2023)
Gardner Magazine Discovers “You” Haven’t Signed Up for Centennial Parade
Deadline is looming to sign up for the much awaited Centennial Parade coming up Sunday September 17, 2023 at 1pm. It all starts at Elm Street and ends up at Waterford Street.
Registration Forms are due August 21st so make sure they get yours. Registration form pdf, CLICK HERE. Here’s how “you” can get in on the fun. Email or visit the Centennial Committee’s Facebook page CLICK HERE.
Fees: Businesses – $100, Non-profit – FREE, Antique cars – FREE
We knew “you” hadn’t registered so we are giving you this reminder. With so many people going, it’s great exposure for your business or non-profit. Or you can show off your Antique Car!. See you at the parade.
- Regional Update (7/7/2023)
Gardner Magazine Regional Update July 7, 2023
Noah Jordan, Toby White, and Sarah Lepley report on events and community stories throughout the region in Gardner and surrounding towns. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Bonus in this addition: the Entire interviews with Plead the 5th and DJ Jacob Cormier who will be appearing at the Summer Centennial Celebration in 2 short weeks. Following the Gardner stories, we report on happenings in Ashburnham, Ashby, Barre, Hubbardston, New Salem, Templeton, and Winchendon.
- Kickoff Concert (6/29/2023)
Chair City Summer Kick Off Concert Scores Big Notes at Gardner MA City Hall
Mother Nature cooperated to turn the perfectly planned event into the perfect evening as the First Annual Chair City Summer Kick Off Concert was held in front of Gardner City Hall on Thursday, June 29, 2023. Listen to Mayor Nicholson’s opening remarks and a snippet of the music on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Kickoff Concert Snippet 6-29-23 The event drew people of all generations who came for the music and enjoyed the Food Trucks and beverages. Opening act was Brandon Furtado and the main act was 7 Day Weekend. Watch a snippet video, CLICK HERE.
The City of Gardner is having its 6th Annual Food Truck Festival July 8, 2023 from noon to 8pm featuring almost every type of food imaginable, adult beverages and 2 music acts, AK Cody and The Remedy.
- Ed Atter (6/22/2023)
Upcoming Events: Gardner’s Birthday June 24th, Chair City Summer Kickoff Music Event June 29th, Food Truck Festival July 8th, and the Summer Centennial Event July 22nd.
Well-Known Gardner MA Resident Edward Attar to be Grand Marshal of Centennial Parade
The Centennial Parade is scheduled for September 17, 2023 with a route from Elm Street to Waterford Street and the Grand Marshal will be none other than Ed Attar.
Centennial Committee member Theresa Thompson stated, “Thank you, Mr. Atter, for dedicating your life to your community. We are truly honored to have you serve as the Grand Marshal at our 100-year celebration parade. It is most fitting for sure.”
If you think you’ve heard the name before, it’s because you have. His military buddies would have known him as a 1st Lieutenant and Staff Finance Officer. In the banking community he is known for being a director of the Colonial Cooperative Bank for almost 50 years and for a 30 year tenure as its Board Chairman. A lover of the environment, Ed Atter started the local Millers River Chapter of Trout Unlimited to help ensure a cleaner Millers River. And lovers of great meats and home-grown apples remember Ed Atter from a family grocery store – Atter’s Market. Mr. Atter has also been a big supporter of youth in the area through Scouting and Sports Leagues.
For more on Gardner Centennial events, visit our Centennial page, CLICK HERE.
- Birthday 2023 (6/16/2023)
June 24, 2023
UPDATE: June 15, 2023 – Fireworks Parking Restrictions – Jump to Info.
UPDATE: June 16, 2023 – Complete Downtown Gardner Schedule including 21 piece Brass Band – Jump to Info Art at the Fireworks – Jump to Info
Gardner MA Big Birthday Celebration on Saturday June 24, 2023 – COMPLETE DETAILS
The City of Gardner is celebrating its 238th birthday and its CENTENNIAL as a City. Events include: Small Business Saturday throughout the City and Downtown, Fireworks at Dusk, Concert in Monument Park at 6pm with Viva Las Elvis (Complete Monument Park Schedule), and a concert at the site of the Fireworks sponsored by the Lithuanian Club featuring Whiskey Johnson (Complete Schedule).
In addition, there’s entertainment the night before at the PACC, with a Cruise Night and their Friday Night Band – Perfect Alibi (Complete Schedule)
Downtown Gardner Complete Information
Gardner Square Two kindly provided us with the details of all of the goings on and we are sharing this entire schedule with you. CLICK HERE.
Downtown Gardner Celebrates
Where: Downtown Gardner on Parker, Pleasant, and Main Streets plus merchants on Central, West Lynde, and Connors Streets.
Event is FREE, Family Friendly, and Open to the Public. Everyone is welcome! And you can see how great Downtown Gardner looks…
Celebration at a Glance Downtown Shops have inside and outside specials and promotions including Hoola Hoop Party by Witches Wardrobe. The Velvet Goose and John’s Sport Shop will offer top quality merchandise. Fun for Kids: Kids Center includes games, inflatables, costume characters, selfie station, and face painting. Local Non-profits provide information – includes Gardner CAC collecting jars of peanut butter. Restaurants please hungry customers including Free Cupcakes from the Parker House of Pizza Food Trucks satisfy comfort food desires – TBD Art in full Force: Crafters Display their wares – also GES student art displayed in Downtown business windows – Pottery Throwing Demonstration – Paint a Ceramic Tile for Free Vendors offer merchandise – Check out the selection. Performances are Scheduled by the Wolfshager Hexenbrut Witch Dance Group, The Super Natural All Stars Cheerleaders, and a masterful performance by a 21 piece brass band – the Bridgewater Antiphonal Brass Band doing American Marches, Patriotic favorites, Armed Forces songs performing from 2-4pm at the center of Downtown – Viva Las Elvis performs at Monument Park at 6pm Demonstrations Take Place- meet the WooSox Mascots and Win Prizes! – Gardner PD offering hands-on impaired driving demonstration (a big hit last year!) Meet K-9 Rocky – Reptiles Shows of New England brings live animals. Bridgewater Antiphonal Brass Band Performance – an iconic 21 piece brass band performs from 2 to 4pm Celebrating the 4th of July, the 238th year since Gardner was incorporated as a town, the City’s Centennial as a City.
Fireworks at Dusk
Event is FREE, Family Friendly, and Open to the Public. Everyone is welcome! Shuttle buses will be bringing people to and from parking at the Gardner Airport. (no parking on Route 2A)
The Gardner Fireworks Display begins at DUSK on Saturday June 24, 2023 at the Polish American Citizens Club (Rain Date is June 25th at dusk)
Fireworks at a Glance Fabulous Fireworks Display at Dusk Featuring Food Trucks at the PACC Featuring Raffles including on great artwork from GALA Featuring various vendors Music Entertainment featuring Whiskey Johnson The Kendall Pond Betterment Association and the Gardner League of Artists hosted outdoor painting sessions around Kendall Pond until June 2023. Artists created works based on views around the pond and a mini art show with all works for sale and awards will be held on June 24, 2023
Fireworks Event is sponsored and supported by the City of Gardner, the Kendall Pond Betterment Association, The Lithuanian Outing Association, The Polish American Citizens Club, and various local business donations. Donations are still accepted and corporate sponsorships for the 2024 Fireworks are available. Visit this secure site, CLICK HERE.
Art at the Fireworks
20 GALA Artists Participated in Year-Long Gardner MA Painting Contest
Artwork to be sold at Fireworks this year…
In a partnership with the Kendall Pond Betterment Association begun last year, the GALA artists were asked to paint, photograph, and otherwise portray Kendall Pond by visiting the pond during the 4 seasons. This culminates in a display of the artwork during the Saturday June 24, 2023 festivities at the PACC. Prizes will go to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and two honorable mentions.
The 1st place winner will be auctioned off to the public with the winning bid split between the artist and KPBA. All of the other artwork will be on sale with the proceeds split between the artists and KPBA. Art from a second contest will also be sold with the same split – in this case the artists were given a mystery box of organic materials with some paint and asked to create a picture.
To participate in the auction, place bids at the GALA booth during the fireworks festivities. To buy the art, come to the event. Photographs are just a small sampling of the art at the event. Click on any image for larger view.
Fireworks Parking Restrictions: Posted by Gardner Police Department “There will be parking restrictions in place for the upcoming Fireworks at the PACC on Saturday June 24, 2023. Areas that will be posted as no parking are: Both Sides of 2A (West Broadway) near Airport Rd. This is a highway and marked with no parking. There are new sidewalks between the PACC and Airport Rd on the east bound side of 2A, there is no parking on sidewalks at any time. North Side of Mohawk Dr – South Side of Snake Pond Rd -Entire Length of the West Side of Airport Rd – These areas will be clearly marked as no parking with no parking signage. If vehicles are parked in no parking areas, they will be towed. These restrictions are for public safety to allow safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians. The Gardner PD appreciates everyone’s anticipated compliance with these restrictions to make it a safe and fun event.”
- Food 7-8-23 (6/14/2023)
A Wacky Interview on the Gardner MA Food Truck Festival with Colin Smith
Gardner Magazine interviewed the Mayor’s Executive Aide Colin Smith regarding the upcoming Gardner Food Truck Festival coming up Saturday July 8, 2023 from noon to 8pm. This year it has the “Wow Factor” WARNING: This interview might make you hungry. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
We spoke to Colin about the extensive selection of foods at this year’s Food Truck Festival, the beverages, the musical entertainment, the location of the trucks, the places to park, and more. See previous article regarding the Food Truck Festival, click here.
View the Complete Gardner Food Truck Festival 2023 page
- En Pleine Aire (6/12/2023)
20 GALA Artists Participated in Year-Long Gardner MA Painting Contest
Artwork to be sold at Fireworks this year…
In a partnership with the Kendall Pond Betterment Association begun last year, the GALA artists were asked to paint, photograph, and otherwise portray Kendall Pond by visiting the pond during the 4 seasons. This culminates in a display of the artwork during the Saturday June 24, 2023 festivities at the PACC. Prizes will go to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and two honorable mentions.
The 1st place winner will be auctioned off to the public with the winning bid split between the artist and KPBA. All of the other artwork will be on sale with the proceeds split between the artists and KPBA. Art from a second contest will also be sold with the same split – in this case the artists were given a mystery box of organic materials with some paint and asked to create a picture.
To participate in the auction, place bids at the GALA booth during the fireworks festivities. To buy the art, come to the event. Photographs are just a small sampling of the art at the event. Click on any image for larger view.
- Brandon Furtado (6/7/2023)
UPDATE: Article now also includes an interview with the artist. Scroll Down.
Brandon Furtado is “The One” Opening at 6pm on June 29, 2023 at Gardner City Hall
Brandon Furtado hails from Somerset MA and has been writing music for almost a decade, creating both pop and acoustic tracks. We’ve captured some of his catchy hooks in this Furtado Sampler. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Brandon Furtado Music Sampler Creating both pop and acoustic tracks, Brandon’s first single “Jems” is available now and he’s gearing up for the release of his new EP “Songs About Jules”. Enjoy his diverse and energetic performance FREE at Gardner City Hall, June 29, 2023 from 6pm to 7pm followed by 7 Day Weekend which plays from 7pm to 9:15pm.
Food Trucks and Beverages will be available.
Gardner Magazine interviewed Brandon Fortado in a revealing interview. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Brandon spoke about the creative process in creating songs from scratch. He also spoke of the artists who have inspired him and about one particular celebrity actress who has especially influenced his music. About writing songs, Brandon stated, “So basically what you’re doing when you’re writing songs is you have your own personal experiences, and you’ll hear these melodies in your head Like, you might think of something that rhymes Like, it’s usually a rhyme scheme that starts And then you’ll go, okay, but, like, how does this song sound And all of your inspiration and all the music you really like, you can think about it like a bank, and you can say, Okay, I have this idea.”
- Wow Factor (6/6/2023)
Almost every type of food you could imagine is represented giving this year’s Food Truck Festival the “Wow Factor”. Food Truck Festival page
Evolving Gardner MA Food Truck Festival has the “Wow Factor”
Wearing the “Wow Factor” crown is the Prince of the Food Truck Festival, Mayor’s Executive Aide Colin Smith. A very limited number of Food Truck spots are still available. If you serve great food, contact Colin Smith at
Now in its 6th year, the Gardner Food Truck Festival has evolved to be a source of great community food indulgence. For 8 hours, residents and visitors alike will be surrounded by flavor, feel good foods you could never get all in one place, except you can on this day, July 8, 2023 from noon until 8pm in Downtown Gardner. It’s “the Wow Factor” for those who love food and it’s designed to appeal to people of every age.
According to Gardner City Hall, “With over 20 trucks there is bound to be something for everyone in your family. Gardner Ale House will be on site to provide your favorite beverage. The trucks will be parked along the front of City Hall on Pleasant Street and will continue along City Hall Avenue. Live entertainment with the Remedy!”
- 7 Day Interview (6/3/2023)
Gardner Magazine Interviews Adam DeSousa of the Band “7 Day Weekend”
Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY
The Band is playing at City Hall on Thursday, June 29, 2023 beginning at 7pm. Admission is FREE. Food Trucks and beverages will be available. The music actually starts at 6pm with opener Brandon Furtado.
The band was founded about a decade ago. According to DeSousa, the band has “kind of tightened up and made it a show that…satisfies all ages and lovers of all different styles of music….country music to 80s to 90s to pop to punk to rock…” “We very much brand ourselves and promote ourselves as a party band, 7 Day Weekend, the party that never stops.”
We talked to Adam about the band’s music passions, various venues, and how the band is famous for playing non-stop. Adam described the members of the band and what they do when not playing music. The band has played everywhere and fans pay good money for tickets. Adam DeSousa was very excited that the concert was FREE to people in Gardner saying, “I think it’s awesome.”
This concert was the brainchild of both Gardner Mayor Nicholson and his Executive Aide Colin Smith. Nicholson is a lover of music (he plays the trumpet and sings) and has been a big supporter of music in the public schools, even winning a recent award for music advocacy.
- 7 Day Weekend (5/28/2023)
Gardner MA City Hall will be rocking on June 29, 2023
The Mayor’s office at City Hall has announced that the Rock Band “7 Day Weekend” will be playing at the front steps of Gardner City Hall on Thursday June 29, 2023 from 7pm to 9:15pm. Admission is FREE. Food trucks will be on hand and beverages will be available. The band is known for playing anywhere from small intimate venues to shows with hundreds of people. This band is top notch: View a short video showcasing the band or listen to the AUDIO sampler right here on any device.
The band is making affordable merchandise available as well with band tee shirts an affordable $15. CLICK HERE. Get more info on the band from their exciting website, CLICK HERE.
- Event – July 22nd (5/20/2023)
Excitement Building for Gardner MA Summer Centennial Event as More Details Released
More details came in about what is projected to be the biggest Gardner event in many years, the Summer Centennial Event taking place Saturday July 22, 2023 from noon to 6pm on the grounds of Mount Wachusett Community College. (Rain Date is Sunday, July 23rd.)
The event is utilizing the walking track at Mount Wachusett Community College as a unique staging area. In the center will be a Kid Zone featuring 3 large inflatables for lots of fun, various activities such as Face Painting, a number of games including Corn Hole, and a Dunk Tank. In addition, kids will be able to explore a fire truck, ambulance, and a police car.
Surrounding the track will be what is hoped to be a large array of different kinds of vendors.
A variety of Food Trucks are expected and it is hoped to have a large variety of food options.
The Centennial Committee is making it easy for people to get to the event area. Parking will be in the back lots with a shuttle service from the back lots to the field area. A designated handicapped parking area close to the field will be available as well.
There are two types of entertainment planned. There will be a live rock n roll band called “Plead the 5TH”. Also booked is a DJ to play fun upbeat music and make special announcements throughout the day.
For more information or to fill out a vendor or food truck application there are several contact options. Centennial Facebook page – City of Gardner website – or email
- Rain Date (5/19/2023)
Gardner MA Spring Yard Sale postponed to
Sunday May 21, 2023With rain forecast for Saturday and partly sunny skies and warmer forecast for Sunday, organizer Julie Mazza has moved the event to Sunday. Realizing that not all participants have the same availability on Sunday, she asked any who can’t do Sunday to email This will help Julie in generating a new Yard Sale Map which she plans to have out by mid Saturday. Here is the Google Map Link, CLICK HERE. As of now, 90 participants are listed.
- June Fireworks (5/18/2023)
June Fireworks in Jeopardy – Donations Desperately Needed.
John Cestone, the President of the Kendall Pond Betterment Association says that much of the community has not yet “stepped up to the plate” to make the June 24, 2023 Fireworks happen. He praised the efforts by the City of Gardner and enumerated some of the donations thus far, but more is needed. Fireworks this year are costing $11,000 which is $1000 more than last year. More importantly, donations are down. We spoke with John Cestone. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
In a year where Gardner is celebrating its 238th birthday and its Centennial as a City, more donations are needed.
Businesses or Individuals can donate.
Contact Information Secure Donations at Phone: (978) 410-5198 Email: Donations via mail to: Kendall Pond Betterment Assocation – 61 Kendall Pond East, Gardner MA, 01440
- Speculations – Centennial (5/7/2023)
Speculations on Summer Centennial Saturday July 22, 2023
Not too many details are known yet about the huge Summer Centennial Celebration event coming to Gardner Massachusetts on Saturday July 22, 2023 from noon to 6pm on the grounds of Mount Wachusett Community College. It will be a family-friendly event with lots of things to do, great food, and some music. Details will be coming out soon. In the meantime, Gardner Magazine had some fun speculating about awesome chicken dinners, delicious burgers, refreshing ice cream cones with of course an assortment of food trucks and lots of fun activities for the kids.
It will be an “Out-of-this World” event drawing people from Greater Gardner MA and the surrounding area. Dignitaries at the Summer Centennial could be some faces you’d recognize or maybe even some from another planet. In any case, reserve the date for you and your family. As soon as Gardner Magazine has more details about this huge event, we will let you know.
For all 2023 Events, visit our Centennial page, CLICK HERE.
- P.A.C.C. – 2023 (5/3/2023)
P.A.C.C. Featuring 20 FREE Concerts May to September 2023 in the City of Gardner MA
The Polish American Citizens Club (P.A.C.C.) offers FREE ADMISSION for their Friday Night concerts taking place from 7pm to 11pm on the Outside Stage. The events are open to the public and are preceded by the Friday Night Cruise Nights. Food and beverages are available for purchase.
- Kayak Race (4/30/2023)
West End Beagle Club Kayak Rat Race
On a man-made pond of over 200,000 square feet built over 50 years ago, the West End Beagle Club is scheduled to hold the first annual Kayak Rat Race on Saturday June 10, 2023 beginning at 1pm
Cash prizes will be awarded to winners. Food and beer will be available. Live Music is planned.
Pre-registration of racers is required. Volunteers for various duties are also needed. Call (978) 632-9792. We spoke with Wendy McCullough of the West End Beagle Club about the upcoming event and how to become a “Kayak Rat Racer”. Listen on any device.
West End Beagle Club 5-4-23
- Flashback Arrives (4/22/2023)
The Flashback Dance was well-attended including by Gardner’s Mayor, City Council President, State Representative, City Councilors, and other notables. More exciting events to come this year in Gardner….
Flashback Dance Well Attended in Gardner MA – A Big Hit!
The Flashback Dance featuring “DJ of the Stars Jimmy Jay” and the band “Kenny and the Night Riders” was held April 22, 2023 at Gardner City Hall. It was part of a series of events to be held this year in Gardner to celebrate Gardner’s 100 years as a City (January 1, 1923 to January 1, 2023) Gardner was founded way back in 1764, became a town in 1785, and well over 100 years after that, became a City, now with a population of over 21,500 people.
While “DJ of the Stars” Jimmy Jay opened the event, it wasn’t his first gig of the day as from 2-4pm, he took over the airwaves at Gardner’s WGAW and played some popular Rock n’ Roll of the 60’s, had live interviews with a few music stars of the time, and interacted with some listeners and famous Gardner residents of the past. Then, he prepared for his first dance in Gardner since sometime in the 1970s to kickoff the Flashback Dance at 6:30pm. (Doors were open at 6pm) Tickets were $10, but a few lucky WGAW listeners got in FREE with tickets they had won.
Gardner has a great summer of music ahead of it with the FREE Summer Concerts at Monument Park, and various groups being brought in by private clubs such as the P.A.C.C. For the Gardner Magazine Centennial event page, CLICK HERE.
- The Remedy (4/13/2023)
Playing at the Gardner Food Truck Festival – Saturday, July 8, 2023 Article, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Scores Huge with “The Remedy” playing the Gardner Food Truck Festival on July 8, 2023.
Vendors are about to rush to get booked for the Gardner Food Truck Festival and Gardner Magazine now knows why. The City of Gardner has scored, “The Remedy” as the musical performance. Listen to a sampler of their music on any device. Click Play.
The Remedy – Music Sampler What is the remedy when you want the perfect band for the Gardner Food Truck Festival in 2023 during Gardner’s Centennial Celebration as a City? The City of Gardner has chosen “The Remedy” consisting of the uplifting duo of Rob Gale and Jody Thompson playing Country – Rock, a unique combination of Country, Blues, and Classic Rock sure to delight all the attendees of the Festival.
The band’s duo has sung with other bands and created “The Remedy” during Covid with the theme “Music Cures All”. So for those desiring a combination of a “feel – good” music time and some of the best food on the planet, make a date for the Gardner Food Truck Festival. For vendors not signed up yet, better book soon while you still can. This has the “Wow Factor.”
- Food Trucks 2023 (4/13/2023)
Gardner Food Truck Festival to be held Saturday, July 8, 2023
The Gardner Food Truck Festival is back for 2023 and plans are for it to be bigger and better than last year. Colin Smith, the Mayor’s Executive Aide is working right now on finalizing the list of trucks who will come to the event in order to delight people from all over the Greater Gardner area. Our article from 2022 chronicles a very successful event.
In his February Have a Heart Interview, Colin Smith stated, ” Our hope is to have most, if not all, of the vendors we had last year back….I think last year was great in terms of variety that we were able to offer in the total number of food trucks. So that’s something I would like to replicate in a lot of respects again. I mean, I think I said it last year, but bigger, bigger, and better….”
Band playing this year at the Food Truck Festival is “The Remedy”. Gardner Magazine will have an interview with the band coming soon. For now, here’s our article with a music sampler, CLICK HERE.
The 2023 event is expected to attract considerably more people as word of Gardner’s increasingly beautiful Downtown is getting out throughout the region.
- Centennial Events (3/31/2023)
Gardner MA Centennial Committee Announces More Events
Many events are happening in Gardner this year, Visit our Centennial page, and 5 of them are presented by the Centennial Committee. Event 1 was an introductory event in January. Event 2 is the Flashback Dance taking place Saturday April 22, 2023 at Perry Auditorium from 6:30 to 10:00pm. See Flash Dance Article, Click Here. Event 3 is the Summer Centennial Celebration taking place Saturday July 22, 2023 at Mount Wachusett Community College from noon to 6pm on the occasion of the college’s 60th anniversary. Event 4 is the 2 mile long Centennial Parade which starts at Elm Street and ends up at Waterford Street. Time listed is 1pm on Sunday September 17, 2023 with of course various times along the way of the route which we have pictured here. As many participants will be walking, it should last well over an hour, maybe longer. Event 5 is the Winter Ball taking place at Perry Auditorium from 6pm to 10pm on Saturday December 30, 2023. We will have more details of these and other events as they become available. For our complete 2023 event listings, visit our Centennial page. If you have an event which you feel should be listed, send info to
The Centennial Parade Route
The parade route has meaning. It begins on Elm Street where Gardner’s Giant Chair is located. It passes by the corner of Pearl Street where the Gardner Museum is located, a repository of Gardner’s history from its earliest settlement in 1764, on Central Street near Monument Park where by that time a summer of excellent concerts will have been heard and many memories made, through Gardner’s iconic Downtown, waving at the historic Garbose building and by the renovated 42-52 Parker Street, past the beloved Gardner Ale House, and finishing on Waterford Street where Gardner’s 101st year becomes special as the new Community Center is realized. It will be a wonderful parade.
- Monument Park 2023 (3/28/2023)
Monument Park Concerts Back in Gardner MA for Summer 2023
The sidewalks around the park will be getting an upgrade this Spring, and sometime in 2023, the extra parking may be available at Park Street Park on Park Street. Also in 2023, the Greenwood Pool Indoor Pool Building will come down and a new Outdoor Pavilion will go up.
Date/Time Band with Web Link Type of Music 6/17/23 6pm The Green Sisters Folk 6/24/23 6pm Viva Las Elvis Elvis 7/1/23 6pm Holdin Back The 60’s 7/8/23 at Food Truck Festival The Remedy – View our Article and sample the band’s music – Facebook page. Duo playing Country Rock – Classic Country, Blues, Classic Rock 7/15/23 6pm Gold Dust Refugee Tom Petty/Fleetwood Mac 7/22/23 6pm Timeless Family Fun Concert 7/29/23 6pm Boothill Express Rockin’ Country 8/5/23 6pm Traveling Jones County/Classic 8/12/23 5pm 4 Ever Fab Beatles 8/19/23 5pm Retro Stew 60s/70s/80s 8/26/23 5pm Big Random Classic Rock For a complete list of the events going on this year in Gardner Massachusetts, visit our Centennial page, CLICK HERE
- Centennial Collection (3/14/2023)
From the Gardner MA Centennial Committee
Celebrate Gardner’s centennial with some commemorative merchandise! In stock now are t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, hoodies, magnets and pins with the 100th anniversary logo designed by Mount Wachusett Community College student, Anya Ezechukwu. Shirts and hoodies are available in small, medium, large, extra large, 2X, and 3X and were made by John’s Sport Shop. Magnets and pins are made by Gardner’s own Lines and Signs department. Model is wearing a size small.
Prices are: T-Shirts – $20, Long Sleeve – $25, Hoodie – $30, Magnets – $5, Pins – $2 or 3 for $5. Cash or check only. Checks made out to “City of Gardner.” Merchandise is currently for sale at Gardner City Hall and will be available at all the centennial events. Check back for additional locations. Printable PDF
- Flashback Dance (3/12/2023)
Excitement Building Over City Hall Flashback Dance Being Held Saturday April 22, 2023
The Dance is presented by the Gardner MA Centennial Committee and will be held in Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall from 6:30 to 10pm on Saturday April 22, 2023. Admission is $10 per person (Cash only at the door). There will be delicious snacks, a cash bar, and various Centennial Merchandise will be on sale.
Featured will be “DJ of the Stars” Jimmy Jay who did a short stint as a popular DJ at WGAW in the 1970s and now is known Internationally via the syndicated radio shows he voices: Rewind, The Rewind Dance Party, the Rewind 1970’s Top 10 Countdown, and the Rewind 1980’s Top 10 Countdown. From the website, “From cruise ships to the Academy Awards Jimmy Jay has done it all. From Sock Hops to Hip Hop, his mind is a book of knowledge!” Visit the website
Also featured will be Kenny and the Night Riders, a group which originated in Gardner Massachusetts and is famous for the hit record, “Swamp Rat”. Official flier from Centennial Committee click here. —- Mike Richard has written a nice piece on the band, CLICK HERE.
- March to Success (3/5/2023)
March to Success – Projects and Progress Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson
With so much happening in the Chair City, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of it all. Fortunately, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson agreed to help us out. This interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is March to Success – Projects and Progress. – Things happening in Gardner which directly affect your life. We will cover Notable Past Projects, Current Projects, Future Groundbreaking, and Future Planning and what’s on the capital planning list in 2023. Play on any device. CLICK PLAY. Complete Interview with text of all questions and answers plus graphics, CLICK HERE.
March to Success – Projects and Progress – Interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson What you will learn: The medical services and resources being added in Gardner this year…. The status of public and private sector projects started in 2022 and what’s upcoming this year…. The projects affecting people in the Chair City directly…. The focus on Education which will benefit your kids…. What events are happening this year…. Really cool additions to existing parks and the new parks…. How Gardner is meeting people needs…. It’s a deep dive into what’s happening this year in Gardner! Complete Text
Jump to a Text Topic Section in the Interview: Notable Past Projects **** Medical Care **** Ongoing Private Sector Projects **** Work at the Schools **** Future Groundbreaking **** Future Planning **** The On-call Realtor **** Infrastructure Projects of the Past **** Good Impressions at City Hall **** Infrastructure Projects Being Discussed **** Infrastructure Projects in the Works **** Spaceport in the Future **** Future Planning **** People Projects **** The Cost of Cuts **** Education An Ongoing Project **** Strategic Use of Resources **** Event Projects **** Community Amenities **** Business Recruitment **** Grants – Past, Present, and Future **** Peoples Needs in the City of Gardner **** Addressing Project Needs Effectively **** Greatest Challenge Going Forward **** Setting Gardner Apart **** What Citizens Should Know.
- City of Faith (3/4/2023)
Chair City of Faith – Poem by Werner Poegel
Dear Lord we give you thanks for this Chair City of Faith
Since 18th Century Great Words of praise are saith
For he who sits upon a Chair so skillfully made
Or grabs the ground underneath a tree of shade.So fortunate to be in a place which cares for one another
Friends, strangers kindness shown just like our brother.
A community thus constructed of sturdy stuff is made
More likely to grow and prosper rather than to fade.As we March forward, thank you for our prosperity
And remind us to be good stewards with integrity,
Guide us to be mindful of those who have needs,
Teach us to celebrate with humility what succeeds.In this year of the most powerful Centennial reflection,
On history’s actions taken on almost every selection.
Of lessons learned sometimes one more than enough
To manage not only what is easy but also what is tough.We ask you help us carry forward a spirit which conceives
Ideas which grow the City and citizen concern relieves,
Success of physical projects and those of people served,
Blessings upon this Chair City of Faith then be deserved.
- Health – Wellness (2/27/2023)
Health and Wellness Fair for Mind, Body, and Spirit in Gardner MA
The Greater Gardner Health and Wellness Fair is being held Wednesday, March 15, 2023 from 5 to 8pm at Perry Auditorium in Gardner City Hall. The event is being put on by the Gardner Community Action Team.
Resource tables for various area providers and vendors will give residents a rare opportunity to get information about many topics all in one place. This is the Health Fair which helps you stay healthy in many aspects. And you could even win a free prize from one of the free raffles.
RESOURCES Healthy eating: A dietician will be on hand, sponsored by Hannaford Supermarkets. Growing Places will focus on growing healthy foods. People’s place will speak of cooking classes. And, there will be information about Farmer’s Markets throughout the region. Also, nutritional products and nutrition counseling. Exercise: The North County Land Trust will be on hand to provide information on the various free hiking trails offered in the region. Other resources available will focus on yoga, martial arts, self defense, kick boxing, pilates, and line dancing. Even YMCA will be represented. Alternative Healing: Sound healing. art healing, accupressure as well as nutritional health. Mental Health: Resources on mental health and substance abuse prevention, recovery resources, anxiety and stress management, healthy relationships education, the YWCA, Heywood Hospital’s ‘Handle with Care’ program for children dealing with traumatic events, and resources for mental health counseling. Health Care and Nursing Services.
- Lithuanian 2023 (2/24/2023)
Gardner MA Lithuanian Club Announces 2023 Season Concerts
The Lithuanian Outing Association is presenting about a dozen concerts in the 2023 season beginning May 27, 2023 and concluding September 9, 2023. All are 7pm to 11pm
More information and/or changes can be found on their Facebook page, CLICK HERE.
As of 2/24/23, the schedule is: May 27: Dazed Til Dawn, June 3: Danny Leblanc, June 10: PT5TH, June 17: AK Cody, June 24: Whiskey Johnson (same day as Kendall Pond Fireworks Display), July 8: AK Cody, July 15: Chris Dube presents Litz Blitz, July 29: Mid Life Crises, August 19: PT5TH, August 26: Danny Leblanc, and September 9: Point the Finger.
- Art Festival (2/21/2023)
First-Ever Art Festival to be Held in Downtown Gardner MA in May
From Jessica DeRoy and Sophie Dorow, “Join us for the first ever Arts Festival in Downtown Gardner to display and sell your artwork or showcase your musical abilities for all in attendance. There is no cost associated with the event and will provide an opportunity to have your talents seen and appreciated!”
Location: Orpheum Park, 34 Parker Street, Gardner
Artists who want to be involved in the event can set up a table to showcase and sell works and even paint, sculpt, or draw on site. Musicians or singers can perform during the event and bring business cards for attendees. Artists who are willing to teach a couple of workshops will have creation stations set up for small groups.
Contact or if interested or if you want more information.
- 100 at Museum (2/20/2023)
Next Gardner MA Centennial Event Is Coming to the Gardner Museum – March 1, 2023
Listen to the program of the season’s events on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner Museum – 2-20-23 Opening March 1st The Gardner Museum opens again for the season on March 1, 2023. And right off the bat, there’s a great exhibit entitled, “Celebrating Gardner’s 100 Years as a City.” No reservation is needed. The exciting exhibit showcases memorable aspects of the City’s first 100 years – Bring the whole family! Highlighted are long-term, still existing businesses serving the Chair City today. Be among the first to see it.
For the entire season event brochure in pdf format, click here.
GO TO: Gardner MA Centennial News page
- Flashback Dance (2/8/2023)
Gardner MA to Hold City Hall Flashback Dance Featuring Jimmy Jay – A City Centennial Event
From the Centennial Committee on February 8, 2023: “A Rockin’ Trip back in time! The City of Gardner Centennial Committee is planning a City Hall Flashback Dance featuring former WGAW Dee Jay Jimmy Jay. Special Guests – Gardner’s own Kenny and the Night Riders! Save The Date – Saturday Night – April 22 at Gardner City Hall’s Perry Auditorium. Stay tuned for more details!”
Note: The Gardner Museum has announced a Summer Exhibit “Celebrating Gardner’s 100 Years as a City” beginning March 1st and continuing through August 27th. More on the Gardner Museum’s 2023 schedule, CLICK HERE.
- Gardner Past (1/15/2023)
The Gardner MA of the Past Comes to Life Via Neural Processing
Through a process known as a neural filter, Gardner Magazine has created color photos from the original black and white. These are all from about 100 years ago. Remember, the people of the time did not live in a black and white world. They lived in color just like all of us.
Top is a closeup of the Gardner Trolley and the Trolley on its route. Middle photos show the Gardner High Football Team from 1922 and the Gardner Basketball Team from 1933. Note the formal dress code of the time for coaches was suit and tie. Must have been hot sometimes! Bottom is sledding on Kendall Hill in South Gardner in 1923 and the very first Gardner City Council in 1923.
If you have a black and white photo of Gardner MA you’d like us to colorize and put up on Gardner Magazine for all to see, please email to Gardner is celebrating its 100th Centennial as a City this year. Visit our Centennial page, click here.
- Centennial Event 1-14-23 (1/15/2023)
Event at Perry Auditorium Kicks Off Gardner MA Centennial Celebration on January 14, 2023
Various City of Gardner Centennial merchandise will be on sale throughout the year at various events. An announcement of some of the upcoming events will be forthcoming soon, according to Committee Chair Brad Heglin.
- Dog Park Event (1/15/2023)
Gardner MA Domestic Violence Task Force and Gardner Community Action Team Organizes Dog Park Event
According to the Task Force: “The Gardner Domestic Violence Task Force is planning its first Annual Purple Paws Walk/Event. The event will be held on April 29th, 2023, in Gardner MA, and all funds raised by this event will go directly to support the Purple Paws Foster Project. This pet fostering project was created to help support victims of domestic violence by assisting them and their pets, who would otherwise be left behind when the victim decides to leave their abuser. In many cases pets are the reason victims delay leaving their abusers, keeping themselves in often dangerous situations. Pets are like a family member, and it’s difficult to leave them behind. This carries the same emotion. The Purple Paws Foster Project enables those looking for refuge to leave and know their pets are safe. Voices of Truth has taken on this project as a 501c3 organization who services victims and survivors through support groups and referrals.”
Schedule of Events
9-10am: Walk Day of Registration, check-in, vendors and resources, Raffles. 10-11am: The Purple Paw Walk – Info and Registration, click here. 11-noon: K-9, Blood Hounds, Service Dog demonstrations, Pet Costume Contest registration Noon-1pm: Pet Costume Parade, Winners Announced. 1-1:30pm: Raffle Winners Announced The coordinator of the event is Veronika Patty. She can be reached at (978) 413-9782.
- Centennial Social (1/12/2023)
City Centennial Kickoff Event Social on Saturday January 14, 2023 from 1-3pm
The City Centennial Kickoff Event taking place at Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall is a family-friendly social gathering with hot cocoa and snacks, coloring pages for kids and young adults, display of local historical items, opportunity to purchase or preview Centennial Celebration gear, and even enjoy Story time with Mayor Nicholson. It’s music, fun, and more….
Gardner attained its 100th year as a City on January 1, 2023 and various events will be held in 2023 to celebrate the milestone. Visit our Centennial page right here.
- Fireworks 2023 (1/8/2023)
At Least One Display of Fireworks in Gardner MA in 2023
The Kendall Pond Betterment Association and the Gardner League of Artists are hosting outdoor painting sessions around Kendall Pond until June 2023. Artists are creating works based on views around the pond and a mini art show with all works for sale and Awards will be held at the next Gardner MA Fireworks Celebration slated for June 24, 2023 at DUSK on Gardner’s 238th birthday and the middle of its 101st year as a City.
In 2022, various events were held earlier in the day including events in Downtown Gardner. We will update this article as these plans are known.
- Past Heywood (1/3/2023)
- Past and Future (12/31/2022)
Gardner MA City Centennial Compares Past and Future
In our segments, Gardner ” The Past and The Future”, Gardner Magazine will give you a glimpse of the past with a view to the future.
What is important in any historical journey is to focus on how the past has steered the City of Gardner into positive future outcomes. For 2023, The Chair City is on a great trajectory of success and that will be our focus and context as we showcase various aspects of Gardner’s history.
Gardner was first settled in 1764, incorporated as a town in 1785, and became a City in 1923. January 1, 2023 marks Gardner’s Chair City Centennial. For info throughout the year about various upcoming events, visit our Centennial page, CLICK HERE.
- Rink Celebration (12/29/2022)
UPDATE 12/29/22: from the Centennial Committee: “The Centennial Celebration Kick-off Event scheduled for 12/31/22 is going to be postponed until Saturday, January 14, 2023. Other event details remain the same…..Due to the high temperatures, the ice rink cannot be completed as the water cannot freeze.”
New Gardner MA Skating Rink Kicks off Centennial Celebration
On New Year’s Eve, Saturday December 31, 2022 from 1pm to 3pm, Gardner will hold a Centennial Celebration Kick-off Event at Jackson Playground on 155 Cross Street, Gardner in conjunction with the new Outdoor Ice Skating Rink.
Those wishing to skate must bring their own skates. In event of bad weather, gathering will occur at Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall on the same day and time.
There will be various vendors, cookies, hot cocoa, coloring station for kids, and ice skating. Remarks by Mayor and Local Officials.
The Chair City of Gardner MA celebrates its 100th Birthday as a City on January 1, 2023 on which date it will enter its 101st year. Various activities and events for 2023 are still being planned by the Centennial Committee.
Skating Rink at Jackson Park
- Cars (10/23/2022)
Gardner MA Cars
Popular Vehicles Throughout the Decades in Greater Gardner MA include many iconic models we can all remember. Cars serve as a reminder on how technology and styles change, but basic needs are still the same.
The history of most of the 2020s and all of the 2030’s has yet to be written. Go to our Go Forward with Gardner page.
- Gardner 1920s (10/23/2022)
- 2023 (10/11/2022)
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