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Note: If you find the first 40 minutes of back and forth on water and sewer bills boring, you can use the slider above to forward to a later point in the meeting when other items of interest are discussed
Public Service Committee Hears Water & Sewer Bill Appeals – Hears From DPW, Engineering, and Conservation
The Committee heard the water and sewer bill appeals on a case by case basis. If there is no cause found for excess water usage, they will often abate a portion of the bill. If there is a cause found which is the fault of the property owner, the committee approves up to a year to pay the bill as long as the account remains current on other billing. In one case where a tenant let a toilet run, a credit was given for half the difference in the sewer portion between what was charged and average usage. Conclusion: If you get a huge bill, appeal it. You might get money off or more time to pay, entirely dependent on circumstances.
DPW Director Dane Arnold went over the final paving plans for the season. He also stated that the Sewer Department needs roughly $850,000 to replace a Pump Station at the landfill. And the Board of Health has to replace some failing pumps. While the sewer department already has a design ready and could go out to bid, they will wait for the Board of Health plans so that a combined bid can be sought to save the City money. Health Director Lauren Saunders has previously stated that costs could be up to $200,000, but no further details are yet available from the BOH.