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This is an important meeting to listen to as there are several issues discussed which concern Gardner Citizens.
Gardner MA Public Safety Committee Hears From Building, Police, and Health Departments at September 28, 2022 Meeting
In an information-packed session, the Gardner Public Safety Committee consisting of Councilors James Boone, Karen Hardern, and Chairman Craig Cormier heard from Building Commissioner Roland Jean, Police Chief McAvene, and Public Health Director Lauren Saunders.
Building Commissioner Roland Jean: He stated that 841 building permits have been issued this year. He spoke of the threat of a recession and rising interest rates. Jean stated that the search to fill a local inspector’s job continues as first applicant was not deemed qualified and 2nd applicant withdrew upon hearing salary amount. The Building Department is also looking for a custodian. Jean reported that they were at School Street School again yesterday for another break-in and stated he hopes the bid goes out for that building soon. The Courts have sent the issue of Park Street Development back to the Zoning Board who will hear the matter on October 20, 2022.
Police Chief Eric McAvene: The Chief spoke of staffing issues and about the training of new officers. Currently the Department has a shortage of 5 officers which will be up to 7 by February. With respect to donations for K-9 Rocky, “the generosity of the community has been flabbergasting, truthfully.” Animal Control also has staffing issues due to injury and illness. Councilor Karen Hardern spoke of speeders being a problem since the Pleasant Street Bridge has been open, stating that “Greenwood Street is like a racetrack.” .
Public Health Director Lauren Saunders: The Director gave a Prevention update speaking of September being Recovery Month. A Prevention Conference will be held at City Hall this year on October 21, 2022. Saunders went on to discuss issues with the pumps at the landfill. A company was out there in the past week and looked at all the pumps. The inspector called it the cadillac of pump systems, however he concluded that the system has been neglected and the maintenance has been shoddy. According to Saunders, “It’s kind of a mess.” The Director stated she will be asking for a maintenance line in her budget which she says does not currently exist. Saunders will be asking for some free cash to take care of the problem as soon as possible and says she has already spoken of the problem with the Mayor. Cost: $100,000 to $200,000 to bring in to full compliance. “This is a big need….We can’t ignore it.” The Director spoke of housing issues, litter enforcement, and the upcoming textile ban. Keep Gardner Beautiful Cleanup is this Saturday, October 1st. Covid cases are up again, Gardner’s positivity rate is higher than the State average, and FREE test kits are still available.
Councilor Karen Harden Comments Regarding Public’s reaction to first-day traffic at Elementary School.
“You go on the internet and you see everybody complaining. …the first day…I just want to say you did a fabulous job, and a lot of times, people, if they’re not complaining, I’m so sorry, they’re not happy.”
Listen to meeting on any device. Just click Play.