The Heart and Soul of Gardner MA: Independent, Locally-owned Small Businesses
According to IndependentWeStand.org, a number of things happen when you decide to Shop Local. $68 of every $100 spent at locally owned businesses stays in the community helping to create local jobs. Local business owners know you and you know them, and local business owners tend to support community causes. See example below: Greater Gardner MA residents can take advantage of the expertise at a locally owned business by letting one of your friends or neighbors serve your needs.
Gardner Square Two Recognizes Positivity
Patti Bergstrom, President of Gardner Square Two and owner of the Velvet Goose stated, “I do feel as if there has been a positive change in the energy and attitudes in our community. As a small business owner, I have met so many new people in the past few months…people who live locally and are just now discovering some of the local treasures. Grateful for the support of our community. I have spent 35 years at The Velvet Goose and it is definitely My Happy Place. You are all invited!” Want to take Patti up on her invite? Here’s the Facebook page. — Directions
Local Business Owner Gives Back
Anne LeBlanc of John’s Sport Shop recently won a big prize in a contest – a kayak full of goodies. Boys & Girls Club of Gardner had a Fundraising Gala last month raising over $224,000, $7000 of which was from the Summer Fun Raffle with the Kayak and merchandise worth $1500. But, guess what Anne did? Anne donated most of her win to Cancer Support Fund of Central Mass. Inc. so that more people could benefit by yet another charity drawing. Patti Bergstrom stated on July 13, 2022, “So grateful that I live and work in this kind and generous community.” John’s Sport Shop website. — Directions
Gardner Loves its Local Businesses
Gardner Magazine has a page we call “Share the Chair” featuring numerous reviews of Gardner Businesses. CLICK HERE. If you’d like to display the Gardner MA “Premium Quality” image, CLICK HERE.