From left to right in above photo: Mike Wright, Global Chief Operating Officer, Seaman Paper —- Jo Pagnotta, Corporate Human Resources Director, Seaman Paper —- Dana Heath, Gardner City Councilor —- Jessica DeRoy, Gardner Economic Development Coordinator —- Michael Nicholson, Mayor, City of Gardner MA —- Zack Lawrence, Mayor’s Intern —- Glen Welsh, Plant Manager, Specialized, Seaman Paper —- Ryan Lichwell, Chief Administrative Officer, Seaman Paper —- Mike Gerry, Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce Interim Executive Director —- Scott Percifull, North Central MassHire Career Center Business Services Representative —- Rob Anderson, MassDevelopment Vice President, Business Development —- Rebecca Beaton, North Central Mass Development Corporation Vice President of Lending —- Elizabeth Conner, Assistant Plant Manager, Specialized, Seaman Paper —- Trevor Beauregard, City of Gardner Community Development & Planning Director
Successful Seaman Paper Toured in Gardner MA
City and state officials recently took an in-depth tour of the 75,000 square foot Specialized Paper Converting Facility. According to Seaman Paper, it’s “an important part of Gardner’s manufacturing industry and Seaman Paper’s primary production plant for food service converted products. “I saw a lot of excitement in their faces for all of the amazing activity on the floor. I feel they appreciated what we were doing, the success of our business, and for providing great jobs for the greater Gardner area,” said Specialized Plant Manager Glen Welsh.
Jessica DeRoy, Gardner Economic Development Coordinator said, “I am in awe of what you can do daily, and how all the machinery operates. Your sustainability packaging and plans are impressive. You told me ahead of time that you made the Super Bowl confetti and the Hershey Kiss plumes, but it was amazing to add the restaurant paper to the mix and be able to watch the process. As a consumer, I never really took the time to question where tissue paper and these other items come from, and I am so thankful for the opportunity to see the process.”
The Seaman Paper Company has its Corporate Headquarters at 35 Wilkins Road in Gardner, Massachusetts. The successful Chair City manufacturer has nearby locations in Gardner, Baldwinville, and Orange, MA. What some don’t know is Seaman Paper is in Fujian, China, Hong Kong, Dongguan, China, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, Rastatt, Germany, and Carpi, Italy. Seaman Paper website.
The City of Gardner is interested in showcasing its history of manufacturing success to other companies who might want to locate in the Chair City and also become successful around the globe. Gardner is a City of Success and a great place to Live, Work, Play, and Visit.