Happy Valentine’s Day, Gardner MA
To Gardner I send this Valentine Chair City of the Heart of Mine. A Community of Diverse Progress. A Place of Tremendous Influence. |
To many who have lived here long Gardner sings its own love song. To those who begin life her anew You’ll find so much to say and do. |
Gardner Schools excel at teaching. Gardner clergy are now preaching. The goals we have are ever reaching Excellence sought always beseeching. |
Meetings start with a spiritual Heart And smiles abound at the local Mart. Gardner to Live, Work, and Play. Gardner getting better every day. |
So how can we love a City so much? It has a feel but not tender touch. Maybe it’s the people who care. Or that we feel love everywhere. |
I submit you certainly can Send a Card to a City then. Happy Valentine’s Day Chair City As a place you are so pretty! |