The inauguration of the Mayor, City Council, and School Committee took place on January 3, 2022 at City Hall. Program is below. CLICK IMAGE for larger view.

Watch meeting on YouTube or our Gardner MA City Council Meeting page. CLICK HERE
Faith-Based Gardner City Council Meeting is held January 3, 2022
After Elizabeth Kazinskas recused herself, she was unanimously elected Gardner MA City Council President. Thereafter moderating the meeting, she started with a prayer and then the Pledge of Allegiance. Since Gardner’s inception in 1785, City Officials have traditionally asked for guidance from the Almighty in making good decisions for Gardner citizens.
The Council voted unanimously to establish the standing committee on appointments suggested by Mayor Nicholson due to the anticipated large number of appointments coming up in the next 2 years. New business consisted of counselors congratulating new Ward Two City Councilor Dana M. Heath and congratulating Kazinkas on her re-election to City Council President. Meeting adjourned after a prayer.