Rietta Flea Market is Fresh Going 55

Fresh Produce
Since 1966, Rietta Flea Market of Hubbardston, MA has served the region every Sunday from April through November. (weather permitting) At left is a photo of fresh produce from vendor Howe’s Country Store located at Rt 122A at the Holden-Rutland line. As I write this, I am literally eating a chicken salad sandwich topped with some of those fresh tomatoes you see at left. And they are so delicious when they are so fresh! You see the empty container in the back row. Those tomatoes were put in a sturdy plastic bag and I am now enjoying them. Rietta Flea Market is located off Route 68 in Hubbardston MA. Directions.
Vendor Spotlight – J.R. Greene
There are new vendors every week with some great, pleasant surprises if you are searching for a long-lost something for your collection. And then, there are vendors like J.R. Greene. J.R. (as he likes to be called) is proud to say he has been at the first spot in row 1 every year since 1986 and has been selling at Rietta for 41 years. J.R. is proud to show off his collection which includes antique coins. If you’d like to meet J.R. and talk about local history, visit Rietta Flea Market this Sunday. Remember, the admission is always FREE.

People Love Shopping at Rietta

Rietta has rows and rows of vendors for area consumers to peruse. Hundreds of vendors greet customers every Sunday with merchandise of almost every type and description. Visit Rietta Flea Market website.

People Love Eating at Rietta

People Love a Cool One at Rietta

Rietta Flea Market is easy to find off Route 68 Hubbardston, MA – directions

See you Sunday at Rietta!
Rietta Loves You Too!
Thanks for 55+ Years and going strong!