Winchendon MA
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- Hotline 3-22-25
Projects – Events – Veterans – Budgets – Pets Focus of WGAW Hotline Radio Show
The WGAW Hotline Radio Show of March 22, 2025 was filled with great interviews. Listen to the entire show on any device, CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline Radio 3-22-25 1st Hour: Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson on projects in Gardner including the Rome Building at Willow and Main, Gardner Spray Park, the Mayor speaks about a large number of events in Gardner. — Jim Benton, Vietnam Veterans of America about various programs and events such as annual Memorial Ride — Abbott and Costello with famous baseball routine “Who’s on First”
2nd Hour: Big budget problems Winchendon and Templeton. —- Templeton: interview with Matthew Rivard who is resigning from the Templeton Board of Selectmen. Rivard speaks on his reasons for resigning and concerns about the Templeton budget. Rivard criticizes the mentality of the people of Templeton with respect to funding the town and “their inability to be forward looking”. Winchendon: Deep Dive with Jack and Jill: Winchendon School Budget —- Werner Poegel Commentary on People and Pets in the Chair City.
- Election Countdown
One Week Countdown for Winchendon Nomination Papers
Nomination Papers are available in Winchendon Town Clerk’s office for Annual Town Election to be held on May 5, 2025, BUT, they must be obtained and turned in on or before Monday, March 17, 2025 at 5pm.
Available Terms: ONE-3-year term for Moderator, TWO – 3-year terms for the Board of Selectmen, ONE – 3-year terms for the School Committee, ONE – 1-year unexpired term for School Committee, and ONE – 3-year term for the Board of Health
- Treasurer Theft
Crooked Treasurer Escapes Jail Time for Stealing from Town of Winchendon
The Town of Winchendon published this Press Release: “Update on Treasurer theft of Town funds. In September of 2024, the Town Treasurer was investigated for stealing from the Town. He was terminated and charged with Larceny over $1,200 and Larceny from Building. Because it was an ongoing case, we could not discuss the amount that was stolen. The case was resolved yesterday in Winchendon District Court. The former Treasurer pled to Admission of Sufficient Facts, received probation for one year, and is ordered to repay the entire amount stolen which was $5,896.83, which he will have to pay back $500 per month. Thank you to the Town Employees who were involved in the investigation and thank you to the Court for bringing this matter to a close and getting the Town its money back.”
- Wreaths 12-13-24
Wreaths Across America Honoring Veterans at Cemetery in Winchendon
On Friday, December 13, 2024 at 9am, the laying of Remembrance wreaths will occur at the Massachusetts Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Winchendon. The ceremony includes saying the name of each and every veteran aloud.
Parking Changes This Year
According to the website, “For the safety of volunteers and staff, there will be no parking available at the cemetery on Friday, December 13th. All volunteers are welcome and encouraged to park at the Winchendon Community Park located at 88 Ingleside Rd. in Winchendon as well as the American Legion Post 193 located at 295 School St. in Winchendon. Shuttle buses will be available to transport volunteers to and from the cemetery. Handicap accessible transportation will be provided as well. Thank you for your support of this great program.”
Convoy Stop in Gardner
A large convoy of over 50 vehicles has been traveling from Maine to Arlington National Cemetery and has a planned stop at Mount Wachusett Community College on Monday, December 9th with a ceremony beginning at 5:30pm. Some wreaths will be dropped off to be used at the laying of the wreaths December 13th in Winchendon.
Convoy Stop in Gardner December 9, 2024
- Greater Gardner 11-25-24
News Around the Greater Gardner MA areaWinchendon: 3 finalists for Winchendon Superintendent position include: current interim Superintendent Dr. Marc Gosselin, Dr. Greg Rosenthal of Douglas Public Schools, and Mark McLaughlin of South Hadley Public Schools. Next step: School Committee will make its selection.
Westminster: Recent Town Meeting Results – Articles 1,2,3,4,,5, and 6 YES Articles 9 and 10 regarding TIF: NO. Article 11: NO and Voters passed over article 12. Previous article with details, CLICK HERE.
Ashburnham: Equipment options for the new Winchester Park Playground will be previewed at a presentation by consultants M.E. O’Brien and Sons, Inc. on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 6:30pm at Overlook Middle School, 2nd Floor Team Room, 10 Oakmont Drive, Ashburnham. A question and answer session will follow the presentation. —– Toys for Tots donations will be accepted through December 6th at the DPW and Town Hall. —- The Select Board will hold a tax classification hearing on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the Training Room at the Public Safety Building. The purpose of the hearing is to inform taxpayers and interested persons of the choices open to the Select Board in setting a single tax rate for all real estate and personal property, or two tax rates, one for residential and open space and one for commercial, industrial and personal property. Members of the Board of Assessors will be present to explain the options available in choosing the classification. The public is welcome to attend.
Templeton: A special town meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2024 at 6pm at the Narragansett Middle School Auditorium. Here is the complete town meeting warrant, CLICK HERE. The Town of Templeton has a construction schedule update, CLICK for DETAILS. The Digital Equity Plan comment period ends on December 6th. View a pdf of the plan, CLICK HERE.
Phillipston: The Phillipston Lions have started a soup kitchen. Next Soup Kitchen is Wednesday, December 11th at the Phillipston Church on the common. For details, CLICK HERE. —- The Ladies Benevolent Society is sponsoring a Holly Berry Fair on December 10, 2024 from 9 AM to 2 PM at the Phillipston Congregational Church. Highlights are: Christmas Vendors, Ladies Benevolent Society Raffle Table, Lion’s Lunch – Soup & Sandwiches Dessert, Cookie Walk Table, Come take a picture with Santa, Pets Welcome! Bring your camera!
- Winchendon Fall Festival
Fall Festival in October – Fall Carnival This Week – in Winchendon MA
The Town of Winchendon is expecting more than 150 vendors at its Winchendon Fall Festival to be held Saturday October 12, 2024 from 10am to 5pm. It is a rain or shine event. Attractions include live bands, bounce house, face painting, food trucks, local artists performances, activities for kids, and delicious food from local restaurants.
For more information, please visit the Facebook page, CLICK HERE.
Preview of some fun: A Fall Carnival will be held beginning Thursday, September 26th at the Clark YMCA field and will run through Sunday, September 29th. About a dozen rides are featured. Some funds raised will go the the new playground and picnic area at the Clark which is already under construction.
- Zlotnik Interview 9-20-24
2nd Worcester District – Consisting of the town of Ashburnham, the city of Gardner, and the towns of Templeton and Precincts 2, and 3, of the town of Winchendon, all in the county of Worcester.
“I’d say the top-driving thing that got me into public office all those years ago was that I felt this community and the communities in this district, the ones I grew up in, needed help. They needed additional investment opportunities. They needed things to be built, quite frankly. And the state is the best entity positioned to do that” – Jon ZlotnikWe have reached out to his opponent and offered a similar opportunity to do an interview.
Exploring the 12 Year Record of Zlotnik’s Greatest Hits
Gardner Magazine had the honor of speaking with State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik about his record. Voters are being asked to rehire Zlotnik in this Fall’s election. We spoke with Zlotnik about education, training, business, housing, veterans, local projects, infrastructure, recreation, civics and literacy, food insecurity, the homeless, and help for the disadvantaged. Representative Zlotnik had a few interesting stories to tell along the way including how the need for a stool helped get a new school.
Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Jon Zlotnik 9-20-24 The job pays less than private industry, but Zlotnik does it to help the communities he represents. The State Representative interned at the State House both in high school and college.
Interestingly, one of the first bills Zlotnik filed was to re-institute a Civics curriculum as well as a financial literacy curriculum at the high school level. Eventually, the legislature did take up the civics portion, providing incentives for schools.
Zlotnik spoke about his involvement in the expansion of Mount Wachusett Community College. He spoke of fighting to get state funding for the On-Site Academy which provides for post-traumatic stress treatment for first responders and told a heartwarming story about it. Zlotnik explained his efforts on behalf of veterans in the area. The State Representative detailed and discussed the Wachusett Business Incubator program.
With respect to area development, Jonathan Zlotnik provided some background on the Rear Main Street Project and the Underutilized Properties grants which affects Downtown Gardner. We spoke at length about the Gardner Elementary School and Zlotnik related a story about the hearing on the school when the State Treasurer heard enough to say the project was clearly needed.
Zlotnik spoke of initiatives with respect to recreation including the bike path and the upcoming bridge across Route 140. He also spoke of the importance of actually getting out and talking with people. And, he detailed various projects which have brought in jobs.
Representative Zlotnik spoke of big projects like the one affecting the water main of Winchendon and Ashburnham. He spoke of pulling communities together to better utilize Opioid settlement funds.
Reach State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik via the following email:
- Treasurer Terminated
Town of Winchendon Terminates Collector/Treasurer for Alleged Theft of Cash
Statement from Town of Winchendon, “On Tuesday, September 10th, it was brought to the Town’s attention that a sum of cash may have been stolen from Town Hall. The Town immediately investigated this allegation and determined, based on several interviews, that the cash had been stolen by the Town Treasurer. The Town thereafter took prompt action to terminate the Treasurer’s employment. The Town now intends to pursue all legal remedies, including seeking a criminal complaint in district court, to recover the stolen funds and ensure that the responsible parties are held accountable.”
While Winchendon Town Manager Bill McKinney was kind enough to speak to us, he was unable to provide additional information beyond the prepared statement, except to confirm the name of the terminated employee as Paul Redmond. Officials are not usually able to provide many details in cases of allegations such as this or even other personnel matters.
- Hazmat – Winchendon
The Winchendon Fire Department posted on the morning of 8-28-24 , “Spring St. will be closed to traffic between Glenallen St and the lights at Rt. 140 due to an ongoing HAZMAT incident. The road will be closed for an extended period of time please seek alternative routes of travel.” They followed up with the following post, “The incident is involving a compressed natural gas tank damaged in a motor vehicle accident following consultation with the district HAZMAT team there is no immediate danger to surrounding residents.” Gardner Magazine is awaiting more information from the Town of Winchendon.
UPDATE: Fire Chief Thomas Smith of the Winchendon Fire Department released the following statement:
On August 28, 2024 at 05:17 the Winchendon Dispatch Center received a 911 call reporting a multi-car accident in the area of 560 Spring Street. Upon arrival of initial units a two vehicle accident was discovered between a SUV and a CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) powered Amazon delivery truck. With the initial ambulance crew checking the occupants of both vehicles it was determined that only the SUV driver required transport to Heywood Hospital with minor injuries. The Driver and passenger of the Amazon truck were uninjured. During the accident the CNG tank on the delivery truck became detached except for the pressure lines and was sitting next to the vehicle in the roadway. Winchendon Fire crews immediately requested that Dispatch contact the District 6 HazMat Team through Fitchburg Mid-State Control. A perimeter was set up by crews and Winchendon Police and DPW set up a detour around the accident scene. Upon arrival of a Tier 1 response through District 6 HazMat it was determined to upgrade the incident to a Tier 2 response bringing in other units from District 4 HazMat as well as additional units from the Department of Fire Services, including Massachusetts State Fire Marshal Jon Davine to the scene. Winchendon Crews worked with District 6 HazMat Team Leader Chief Joseph Guarnera to locate an Emergency Response Crew in the state familiar with the situation at hand. Contact was made with Xpress Natural Gas (XNG) out of Andover,MA who sent a technical expert out of Stratham, NH. While response units were responding from various corners of the state the MA State Police deployed their robot as well as their drone and a drone from the Department of Fire Services to take photos of the tank connections in advance of the technician’s arrival. Once on scene, XNG assisted in determining that the pressure lines could be methodically removed allowing the tank to be loaded on to a trailer and brought to a same location where HazMat crews were able to safely off gas the CNG tank. Vehicles were then towed from the scene by Brooks Auto Service out of Winchendon and CO&S Garage out of Templeton opening the road at approximately 15:50.
- Proactive 2024
Residents who are interested can contact the Town Manager via email at
Winchendon’s Town Manager Takes Proactive Action in Advance of Budget Concerns
Inflation is causing budget problems for Massachusetts communities including Winchendon. Very simply, costs are going up quicker than tax levies can keep up. Solution is cutting costs or raising property taxes through Proposition 2 ½ overrides. Winchendon Town Manager Bill McKinney is attempting to get out ahead of a projected problem with the Fiscal 2026 Town Budget. Of the $35 million budget, $15 million comes from property taxes, and it’s off by at least $1.5 million for the next fiscal year. We spoke with McKinney about the ad hoc committee he is forming to study the budget in detail and we talked about some of the numbers. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Bill McKinney Interview 8-12-24 The ad hoc committee being formed to study the budget in detail will be composed of the Town Manager, representatives from Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Finance Committee, and 3 residents. Meeting schedule will be created once it has been formed and it will likely meet a couple of times per month. McKinney stated, “I want the residents to, you know, to have a say in what kind of town they want.”
McKinney told us about 3 big problems totaling a one million dollar increase. 1. Debt is increasing with principal payments due in Fiscal 2026. 2. Health insurance is going up 10%. 3. Pension contribution is going up 10%. Other items include the significant increase in school transportation costs. Town Manager Bill McKinney explained that “everything is out on our website” Visit Town of Winchendon website, CLICK HERE.
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Around the Winchendon MA Community
Community Facts
Winchendon is a town in Worcester County Massachusetts with a population of around 11 thousand people. Winchendon was incorporated in 1764.
Winchendon is also known as the “Toytown” from a history of toy manufacturing in the community.
Winchendon Public Schools: (978) 297-0031
Murdock High: (978) 297-1256
Murdock Middle: (978) 297-0509
Toytown Elementary: (978) 297-2005
Memorial Elementary: (978) 297-1305
Town Manager: (978) 297-0085
Town Clerk: (978) 297-2766
Fire Department: (978) 297-2324
Police Department: (978) 297-1212
Beal’s Memorial Library: (978) 297-0300
Interactive Map of Winchendon MA
Town of Winchendon MA Photos
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