Original Poetry Topics
Original Poetry Greater Gardner MA
- Original Music (11/11/2024)
Original Music page, CLICK HERE. including “Veterans of Service”
Gardner Magazine Presents – Original Music
Here’s the page, CLICK HERE. “Who Started Goofy with a Huge Screw Loose”, the “Rockin’ Gardner City Council”, “Election Day”, “Chair City of Heart”, “To Grow A Valentine”, “WGAW, One Station on the Dial”, “Gardner, City of Maximum Potential”, “Everyone Loves the Velvet Goose”, “Hotline Radio Steals the Show”, “Gardner Magazine Know Where You’re Coming From”, ” Gardner Magazine Blues”, “Heywood, Mission of Compassion”, “Zone it in or Zone it Out”, “Greatest Board of Assessors”, “Liver Awareness Month” and introducing “Veterans of Service” in time for Veterans Day.
Chair City Christmas has a separate page, CLICK HERE.
- Grow Valentine (2/12/2024)
A Valentine’s Wish for the Chair City and the Greater Gardner Area
To Grow a Valentine Plant the seeds of abundant love
Flying down from an Eternal Dove
A Plant in Bloom just once a year
The Valentine with love so dear.Let us grow more Valentines
So love brightly shines
Upon a landscape so encumbered
That its love had slumbered.Wake up the seeds of passion
So love is more in fashion
Enduring words so softly spoken
May love itself not be broken.Find the way to spread the word
Valentine’s Day is unfurled
With a message of emotional might
Shining love’s bright light.It’s time to grow a Valentine.
The seed is spoken anytime.
Love itself makes its own fuel.
When Valentine’s is the rule.
- Thanks 2023 (11/22/2023)
Greater Gardner MA Celebrates Thanksgiving 2023
In the name of our Heavenly Father we Gather
And say the praises of our Lord together,
As we welcome the Goodness of the Holy Spirit
Into the Hearts of all who will receive IT.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. May the blessings of our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and forever. May there be joy in your home and love in your family.
Happy Thanksgiving, November 23, 2023 to each and every one of you.
Listen to this Thanksgiving Wish on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Thanksgiving 2023
- Veterans 2023 (11/8/2023)
A Salute to Veterans in Greater Gardner MA
Veterans Of Service – By Werner Poegel Of service to our nation they
Head directly to harm’s way.
Protecting Freedoms cherished,
Many brethren have perishedThose who wear the uniform
Go in to an unknown storm.
Danger lurks at every corner.
All serve with great honor.While Americans on every day
Enjoy freedom in every way.
Men and women in every force
Keep us safe and stay the course.Let us say thanks very loudly
Waving our flag so proudly.
Let us show much appreciation
For those who serve our nation.It is a day when we reflect
On men and women so select.
To our Veterans we gladly say
Have a Happy Veterans Day!Veterans Day Exercises will be held on Saturday, November 11th at 11am in Perry Auditorium. Gardner City Hall will be closed on Friday, November 10th in observance of Veterans Day. Listen to the poem on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Veterans of Service – 11-11-23
- Birthday Mike (9/24/2023)
The Mayor of Gardner Massachusetts, Michael Nicholson is 29 on September 24, 2023. He has helped the City of Gardner become well-known across Massachusetts and the nation. Gardner has become a Model City for America.
Editorial – Happy Birthday from Gardner MA to Mayor Mike
To the Mayor of Twenty-Nine
Who’s helped his City Shine.
Known in the State and D.C. too.
This was because of you.3 Years a Perfect Federal Audit
Citizens say thanks and applaud it.
A cheapo you are with taxpayer money
At finding grants like a fertile bunny.You attacked the blight with a surgical sword
A more beautiful Downtown just one reward.
You welcomed companies wanting to invest.
Now the City of Gardner is truly blessed.To people under served you gave attention
From Schools to Violence to Drug prevention.
You prepared Gardner for future development
Upgrading technology and daily managementUsing the hands of multi-project juggler
Music to completion as an expert bugler
From one side of the City to the other
Each person treated like sister or brother.Happy Birthday to the Mayor who gets things done.
Some projects, some measures are not yet won.
So to all who will see this posted right here.
Best gift to Mayor Mike is a vote this year.
- Easter Poem (4/8/2023)
Happy Easter to each and every one of you in the Greater Gardner MA area and beyond as we celebrate the JOY of history’s Greatest Gift!
Dear Lord to Whom We Give our Thanks
In the hope many more will join the ranks
Of those who know the love and the hope
and the Certitude of the Big Gift’s scope.It is a club to whom the price of admission
Is free to anyone of the human condition.
Saving those who otherwise might be lost
Because Lord Jesus absorbed the cost.Oh, what a joy it must have been
As the Lord washed away the sin
Using the Love He had for us all,
To save every single Willing Soul.He gave His life and rose in 3 Days
Providing a Path to Eternal Grace.
No more does Life Have to End.
Just Believe and the Future is Planned.A Gift so freely given to all who accept Him
Makes the end of life a new place to begin.
He Turned What was a Deadly Intersection
Into Forever Life Through His Resurrection.by Werner Poegel 2023
- City of Faith (3/4/2023)
Chair City of Faith – Poem by Werner Poegel
Dear Lord we give you thanks for this Chair City of Faith
Since 18th Century Great Words of praise are saith
For he who sits upon a Chair so skillfully made
Or grabs the ground underneath a tree of shade.So fortunate to be in a place which cares for one another
Friends, strangers kindness shown just like our brother.
A community thus constructed of sturdy stuff is made
More likely to grow and prosper rather than to fade.As we March forward, thank you for our prosperity
And remind us to be good stewards with integrity,
Guide us to be mindful of those who have needs,
Teach us to celebrate with humility what succeeds.In this year of the most powerful Centennial reflection,
On history’s actions taken on almost every selection.
Of lessons learned sometimes one more than enough
To manage not only what is easy but also what is tough.We ask you help us carry forward a spirit which conceives
Ideas which grow the City and citizen concern relieves,
Success of physical projects and those of people served,
Blessings upon this Chair City of Faith then be deserved.
- Presidents Day (2/18/2023)
Presidents Day is Monday February 20, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA…
School Vacation Week is February 20-24
Gardner City Hall and various Town Offices are closed on Monday, February 20th.
Last year, we released Poem of the Presidents, CLICK HERE.
- Chair City of Heart (2/14/2023)
Chair City of Heart
Welcome to the Chair City of Heart,
Community Spirit right from the start.
Formed from Land Parcels Coming Together
Home to proud people is Gardner forever.The love of its citizens shared with the region
Which comes to Gardner for its cohesion.
A spirit of teamwork had lead to success.
Of which many so joyfully profess.So much is its construct from ideas construed,
And common sense values is the City imbued.
Building upon excellence will carry it far.
The City is lit with an encouraging star.A place where solutions to problems are found.
A community of doers whose watches are wound
With the time and the patience to carry it far,
Because Diligence rewards those who care.Come people, come business, come industry too.
The City of Gardner is welcoming you.
This is the great Chair City of Heart
Each person important and playing a part.
- Christmas Poem 2022 (12/25/2022)
Christmas Poem 2022
May the blessings of the season be yours
Even more joy than shopping the stores
The price of admission is always free
Where the spirit of the Lord brings glee.Merry Christmas on National Christmas Card Day. May the sentiments you send bring joy to someone close to you.
- 100th Christmas as a City (12/21/2022)
100th Christmas as a City
Some time ago in lands we know around us
A community became of once was just forest.
The Europeans who settled just before the Revolution
Quite Quickly built homes and grew the population.Formed by land gifts of towns who are neighbors
1785 – Gardner a town from these generous favors.
In two decades time lumber and furniture was flourishing
The number of people just a thousand with numbers increasingBy the time of the Great Civil War 3 thousand they numbered
Soaring to near 11 thousand residents by the year nineteen hundred.
Becoming a City in 1923 saw Gardner a community of 17 thousand,
Prospering well just before World War ii to 20 thousand.Ebbing and flowing people came and went
Overseas production and jobs were sent
The struggles were real for its people of steel
And now a new Roaring Twenties is so surrealIt is now the 100th Christmas as a City
About 100 years since use of electricity
An era has been entered of new found prosperity.
A trust in competence rather than temerity.One distinction of Gardner always in view,
A deep faith in God has strongly been true.
Merry 100th Christmas as a City to you.
May the joys of the Holy Spirit compliment your crew. - Veterans Day Poem 2022 (11/11/2022)
Veterans Day, 2022
Freedom has a shelf life others wish to shorten,
Sometimes its fragility is wantonly forgotten.
Trappings of daily life so actively pursued,
While warriors keep nation’s liberty renewed.Remembering one hundred and four years ago
Hostilities did cease with a World War One foe.
Eleven hours, eleventh day, eleventh month.
Armistice replaced the ugly war’s labyrinth.A day observed each year honors our veterans
Who proudly served to protect all Americans.
From the perilous threats of a dangerous world,
While carrying the Star Spangled Banner unfurled.Support all our men and women in uniform,
Who stand in guard of world peace from a perfect storm.
Many wounds of war often run more than skin deep.
Affecting the families, friends and even their sleep.Thank you for your service because it is so true,
We owe a big debt which we can’t repay to you.
For the lives we have because of freedoms you save.
Thank you our veterans who are certainly brave.By Werner Poegel November 5, 2022
- Worthy Nation (10/10/2022)
Happy Columbus Day 2022 From the Publisher Werner Poegel:
I wrote this poem to get one idea across to as many people as possible. While our nation was founded with many mistakes, our country has been one of the most successful experiments in the history of the World. However, its strength is derived from when its people respect and listen to one another. To achieve our true strength as a nation, we must work together in earnest.
Strength of a Worthy Nation by Werner Poegel
Columbus Day of Fourteen ninety-two
A ship its sails to here they blew,
Discovered what would be America.
If a person, could be named Herika.A nation so imperfectly founded,
Now by vast blue oceans bounded.
Paradigm of experiments successful,
Citizens of their freedoms boastful.Direction ebbs and flows with time
Erasing not that perfect paradigm,
But reminding all just how fragile,
Even what’s strong is breakable.Protect its substance fervently.
Guard its good preventively.
A nation is what people make it,
Unless the weak somehow forsake it.Listen to your neighbors and friends,
Have patience now and make amends.
Solutions lie in collaboration.
Such the strength of a worth nation.
- Happy Birthday (9/24/2022)
Editorial: A Happy Birthday Wish to Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson
There was a Mayor of Gardner at age 28
Who more than most would carry his weight.
Often worked his tail off through the night
To rid his Chair City of any blight.Bad Buildings were seen as impossible tasks
But Nicholson lifted these felonious masks
He beckoned the savvy to take on the work
Never his duties any day he would shirk.Now two years after taking the reins,
And handling those stubborn water mains.
The City is poised with construction anew,
A switch has been flipped from blight to renew.A promising future awaits the Chair City,
Downtown Gardner awake with activity.
Businesses lining up to open their doors.
Prosperity Evident no one ignores.Happy Birthday, Mayor Michael Nicholson
Your City and its people are now one.
With your leadership today and tomorrow.
Joy will abound and others will follow…–
- Sentient Soul (6/15/2022)
The Sentient Soul of American Freedom
original poem by Werner Poegel
The Sentient Soul of American Freedom
The sentient soul is only free amidst absolute equality.
White, black, brown, or blue, every color of the rainbow too.
Differences embraced as perfect creations of a loving God.
Discrimination disgraced as perpetrating the ultimate fraud.Each of us with an inner glow, a sentient soul to show.
Beauty transcending physical form whatever it may be.
True love of others practicing no visible discernment
Instead cherishing the joy of what always lies within.View those around you with a much more careful eye.
Appreciating the unlimited variety of human existence.
Upholding our freedoms with determined persistence.
Understanding that rights for the one is rights for us all.No one being is less and all of us together are more.
Loving what is different as much as what is the same.
Brings energy to the equality of the sentient soul.
Achieving freedom for all as the American goal.By Werner Poegel
- Poem of the Presidents (2/20/2022)
Poem of the Presidents – February 20, 2022
in 50 Stanzas by Werner Poegel
To honor United States of America Chief Executives,
I present a series of 4 line Stanzas as poetic descriptives.
One after the other each have chosen to serve,
All natural born and to age 35 have achieved.Spanish-American War 25th President William McKinley.
Gained Puerto Rico, Guam, Phillippines and added Hawaii territory.
Pro business and industry growth marked his presidency,
Until this innovator was killed by assassin intent on anarchy.I’ll start with the first and proceed to the last.
To understand the future we must know the past.
All varied in background, ideas, and talent.
Affecting our nation’s people and every event.26th President Theodore Roosevelt was busy and youngest at forty-two.
Conserving national parks, forests, monuments among projects anew.
Square Deal of citizen fairness, regulating railroads, food, and drugs.
Expanded the Navy, began Panama Canal, broke trusts from thugs.Oh George Washington the Nation’s Father was,
Right after success of our noble cause.
First in war and then first in peace,
In our American Hearts to never cease.27th President William Howard Taft served in many capacities for us.
As solicitor, judge, governor, secretary of war, later Chief Justice,
Groomed for the office by President Teddy before conflict aroused,
Over differences conservative and progressive views each espoused.John Adams from the second in command,
To now second President of the new Land.
Was part of the Declaration’s risky designing,
Only to leave us fifty years after its signing.Credit 28th President Woodrow Wilson for Federal Reserve and modern income tax,
Led the nation into World War I after Germany’s American merchant ship attacks.
Signed Federal Trade Commission Act promoting competition and limiting power.
Helped form League of Nations to maintain the world peace with one another.Thomas Jefferson third of the Presidents,
Doubled the vast land for our residents.
Corresponding on matters long with Adams,
So close both left life same day as friends.Along comes the 29th President Warren G. Harding,
Who after death 2 years into term received a scolding,
For a number of scandals exposed including Teapot Dome,
And an extramarital affair beyond the family home.James Madison became President Four,
At the height of only five feet four.
Father of the U.S. Constitution so created,
And saw the War of Eighteen Twelve ended.30th President Calvin Coolidge born on Independence Day,
Received nickname Silent Cal because of very little to say.
Small government conservative oversaw rapid and expansive growth,
Known as Roaring Twenties and maybe onset of Depression both.The Fifth President of the United States
Also on July Fourth went to the Pearly Gates.
James Monroe issued a noted Doctrine.
And oversaw five new states to the Union.Holding office during start of country’s Great Depression,
31st President Herbert Hoover an engineer and politician.
Influenced the development of air travel and modern radio.
Lost reelection and lived to age ninety before letting go.Son of our President Number Two,
John Quincy Adams, diplomat is true.
Number six served but a single term,
Then 17 years in U.S. House we learn.32nd President Franklin Delano Roosevelt won 4 Presidential elections,
Implemented New Deal agenda responding to economic afflictions.
FDR held fireside chats, got televised, dealt with World War II missions,
Oversaw Pentagon construction, and world’s first atomic bomb inventions.Man of many roles, Congress, Senate, Judiciary,
Also a Famous General in the U.S. Army,
Our Seventh President Andrew Jackson,
Sought the rights of the common man.From first selling clothes to 33rd President of the nation,
Harry S. Truman, took over and then won his own station.
Had to drop first atomic bombs to help end World War Two
Oversaw Berlin Airlift, Marshall Plan, and economic challenges few.Martin Van Buren became number eight,
Was on the Democratic Party slate.
An important anti-slavery leader,
Credited as the two party seeder.Five Star General Dwight D. Eisenhower became President thirty four,
Wished to contain communism spread, considered nukes to end Korean War.
Authorized forming NASA which lead to the Space Race,
His interstate highway system program was put in place.Sloganed Tippecanoe and Tyler Too,
His serving 31 days was too few.
William Henry Harrison President Nine,
Was fated to die well before his time.Catholic John F. Kennedy debated on tv and became 35th President,
Served at height of cold war including Cuban Missile Crisis incident.
Presided over starting Peace Corps and continuing Apollo program,
In Dallas near end of 3rd year in office died from assassination.John Tyler, President Tenth by succession,
Vetoes overridden his major constriction.
Signed Treaty of Peace, Commerce with Chinese Empire,
Bold Manifest Destiny and adding Texas major desire.Former teacher, Congressman, and Senator became 36th President Lyndon Baines Johnson
Domestic policy including civil rights, public broadcasting, and aid to arts and education.
Great Society of Medicare, Medicaid, public service and signing Civil Rights Act of 1964,
Development urban and rural along with escalated involvement in Vietnam War.Former House Speaker and Governor James Polk,
President Eleven of Jacksonian democracy spoke.
Extended the Country through Mexican War,
Even Oregon Territory stretched nation so far.37th President Richard Nixon had first manned moon landings,
Noted for visit to China improving diplomatic standings.
Ended U.S. involvement in Vietnam War and used détente for peace,
Established EPA, but due to Watergate scandal resigned office in disgrace.Military hero was 12th President Zachary Taylor,
Died 16 months later from digestive failure.
Preserving the Union his priority longing,
Secession he stated not nation prolonging.Never elected but became 38th President Gerald R. Ford,
Noted for signing special education and Helsinki accords,
Presided over growing inflation and worsening economy,
Remembered for Pardoning Nixon creating controversy.13th President was Millard Fillmore,
To him Slavery was an evil sore.
Helped to pass Compromise of Eighteen Fifty
Leading to truce over expansion of slavery.39th President Jimmy Carter pardoned Vietnam evaders on day two,
Camp David Accords, returning the Panama Canal would ensue.
Plus stagflation, energy and hostage crises, Three Mile calamity,
After retired, 30 books, and key figure in Habitat for Humanity.Considered among worst for pro-slavery tact,
Franklin Pierce enforced Fugitive Slave Act.
14th President Pierce some did despise,
As Kansas-Nebraska Act nullified Missouri Compromise.Sports commentator, Hollywood Actor and 40th President Ronald Reagan,
Was fiscal conservative advocating less of taxes, spending, and regulation.
Reaganomics helped secure second term win with 525 electoral landslide,
Survived attempt on his life and challenged Soviets to open Berlin Wall wide.Notable agenda of 15th President James Buchanan,
Advocated States rights, particularly slavery again.
At end of his term while as a lame duck we question,
Ignored demands of the South and stopped not Secession.41st President George H.W. Bush helped end Cold War and reunify Germany,
Presided over invasion of Panama and Gulf War with foreign policy driving Presidency.
Reneged on campaign promise not to raise taxes and lost reelection,
Worked alongside opponent Bill Clinton for humanity upon reflection.Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth to be sure,
Led divided nation through American Civil War.
Admired for preserving union, abolishing slavery,
Cut down early by a bullet while watching a play.42nd President Bill Clinton had longest period of peacetime economic expansion,
First time in 40 years lost Congress to Republicans while winning landslide own election.
Impeachment for obstruction and perjury in scandal ended in a Senate acquittal result.
Left office with high approval and budget surplus last 3 years of office by account.Our 17th President Andrew Johnson,
Succeeded statesman Abraham Lincoln.
Opposed guaranteed equality for the races,
By one vote escaped impeachment’s disgraces.43rd President George W. Bush was shaped by a single tragic event,
Because of September 11th, war to Afghanistan and later Iraq went.
Co-owned Texas Rangers, flew planes, was governor, and oilman as a profession.
Signed No Child Left Behind and Patriot Act before nation entered Great Recession.Showing ability with horses and leading Union to Victory,
18th President Ulysses S. Grant promoted civil liberty.
Created Justice Department and helped restore Union.
Protected African Americans during Reconstruction.From state to U.S. Senate, 44th President was African American lawyer Barack Obama.
Challenged by economic woes, signed bills to create, relieve, and recover from dilemma.
Known for bills such as the Affordable Care Act and drone strikes in foreign lands.
Filed briefs urging Supreme Court to strike down same-sex marriage bans.After wages were cut and Railroad Workers in Seventy-seven struck,
19th President Rutherford B. Hayes used army for luck.
This staunch abolitionist praised for reforming civil service.
Criticized for Southern state leniency and voting rights course.First office held by businessman Donald J. Trump was 45th President,
With campaign slogan Make America Great Again, America First was evident.
Authorized oil pipelines, reinforced border security, began the Big Wall,
Reduced regulation, appointed lots of Federal judges, and said it all.Five month 20th President James A. Garfield,
Aptitude had in geometric mathematical field.
Pro education, agricultural tech, civil rights action.
Died from assassin’s gunshot progressing to infection.After 50 years in politics, the 46th President is Joe Biden,
With one year in office, sees his public approval slidin’.
Withdrew the last of U.S. forces from Afghanistan,
And is dealing with Covid challenges again and again.He retired respected by political friend and foe,
21st President Chester A. Arthur did show
Civil service reform and rebirth of U.S. Navy.
Serving without scandal or project too wavy.Who will be our next President and Commander in Chief?
The future’s unwritten, the challenges beyond belief.
The campaigns will occur and we’ll make our selections.
Until President is picked during our national elections.Serving two terms just not after each other
22nd Grover Cleveland and 24th yet another.
Known for honesty and adhering to his morals
Defying party boundaries not sitting on laurels.Happy Presidents’ Day to those who have served us,
No matter the party, ideas, skills, or resources.
Thank you for preserving, protecting, and defending,
Our Constitution for American generations never ending.Grandson of the ninth 23rd President Benjamin Harrison,
Hallmarked Sherman Antitrust and McKinley Tariff legislation.
Lost popular vote but got more electoral than Cleveland.
Saw six western states added to the National brand.Happy Presidents’ Day
“Poem of the Presidents” is an
original work by Werner Poegel 2/13/22
Copyright Werner Poegel 2022
- Valentine’s 2022 (2/14/2022)
Happy Valentine’s Day, Gardner MA
To Gardner I send this Valentine
Chair City of the Heart of Mine.
A Community of Diverse Progress.
A Place of Tremendous Influence.To many who have lived here long
Gardner sings its own love song.
To those who begin life her anew
You’ll find so much to say and do.Gardner Schools excel at teaching.
Gardner clergy are now preaching.
The goals we have are ever reaching
Excellence sought always beseeching.Meetings start with a spiritual Heart
And smiles abound at the local Mart.
Gardner to Live, Work, and Play.
Gardner getting better every day.So how can we love a City so much?
It has a feel but not tender touch.
Maybe it’s the people who care.
Or that we feel love everywhere.I submit you certainly can
Send a Card to a City then.
Happy Valentine’s Day Chair City
As a place you are so pretty!
- Poetry (1/10/2022)
Tuesday January 11, 2022 is National Poetry at Work Day Poetry at Work Day
On the Eleventh Day of January Twenty, Twenty Two,
Gardner Magazine creates this poem for you.
The value of poetry for pros is better than prose,
Brings out all sorts of major creativity we suppose.
So write out your verses and put in your purses,
Jot down your sonnets and put in your wallets,
Or maybe on this frigid day, break out the Robert Frost,
Seek out his works at very low or modest cost.
“Two Roads diverged in a yellow wood,” and you chose to
live in a great City like Gardner MA and that has made all the difference.
—this original by Werner Poegel – For “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, CLICK HERE
- Christmas Wish 2021 (12/14/2021)
A message from the Author:
Gardner has always been a special place of cooperation leading to great accomplishments. It began from tracts of land from four communities – Ashburnham, Westminster, Templeton, and Winchendon.
Gardner has had its tough times just like many other places. However, right now with a great public will of love and future-looking outlook, Gardner’s trajectory towards excellence is all but assured.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Looking for a Worship Service near you?
Visit our churches page.
Gardner Christmas Wish
Original Poem by Werner Poegel
The City was once a town to be sure
And its substance became an allure.
First settled sixty four years after 1700,
Land gifted by nearby towns kindred.Becoming as busy as a beehive
Incorporated thusly in 1785.
Twenty years more it only took
To become a great furniture nook.20 Chair Factories, 4 million chairs
Each with legs 4, like grizzly bears.
Successfully brought 5 Heywoods together
Fashioning furniture like birds of a feather.Tracking the time worked became an invention
Simplex Time Recorder industry convention.
Gardner home to those critically thinking,
Traditionally forward ideas in the making.As if nature itself knew City’s future
23 square miles measured for sure.
Named after a brave Colonel named Thomas,
A Gardner city in 1923 came to pass.It’s highest point is Reservoir Hill
New heights reaching ever still
Now 2 years from city centennial
So many projects on the window sill.Now sending its love to folks near and afar
Gardner, Chair City, holds all of you dear.
A family of peoples assembled in love
Wishes Merry Christmas to you from above.–
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