For 2023 Events, please click here

Let us know about your Holiday Event and we will publish all the details.

A Christmas Wreath by Anna de Bremont
Oh! Christmas wreath upon the wall,
Within thine ivied space
I see the years beyond recall,
Amid thy leaves I trace
The shadows of a happy past,
When all the world was bright,
And love its magic splendour cast
O’er morn and noon and night.
Oh! Christmas wreath upon the wall,
’Neath memory’s tender spell
A wondrous charm doth o’er thee fall,
And round thy beauty dwell.
Thine ivy hath the satiny sheen
Of tresses I’ve caressed,
Thy holly’s crimson gleam I’ve seen
On lips I oft have pressed.
Oh! Christmas wreath upon the wall,
A mist steals o’er my sight.
Dear hallow’d wreath, these tears are all
The pledge I now can plight
To those loved ones whose spirit eyes
Shine down the flight of time;
Around God’s throne their voices rise
To swell the Christmas Chime!
This poem is in the public domain.
A Nativity by Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)
The Babe was laid in the Manger
Between the gentle kine—
All safe from cold and danger—
“But it was not so with mine,
(With mine! With mine!)
“Is it well with the child, is it well?”
The waiting mother prayed.
“For I know not how he fell,
And I know not where he is laid.”
A Star stood forth in Heaven;
The Watchers ran to see
The Sign of the Promise given—
“But there comes no sign to me.
(To me! To me!)
“My child died in the dark.
Is it well with the child, is it well?
There was none to tend him or mark,
And I know not how he fell.”
The Cross was raised on high;
The Mother grieved beside—
“But the Mother saw Him die
And took Him when He died.
(He died! He died!)
“Seemly and undefiled
His burial-place was made—
Is it well, is it well with the child?
For I know not where he is laid.”
On the dawning of Easter Day
Comes Mary Magdalene;
But the Stone was rolled away,
And the Body was not within—
(Within! Within!)
“Ah, who will answer my word?”
The broken mother prayed.
“They have taken away my Lord,
And I know not where He is Laid.”
“The Star stands forth in Heaven.
The watchers watch in vain
For Sign of the Promise given
Of peace on Earth again—
(Again! Again!)
“But I know for Whom he fell”—
The steadfast mother smiled,
“Is it well with the child—is it well?
It is well—it is well with the child!”
This poem is in the public domain.
For more poems about Christmas, visit this site.
Holiday Events 2021
If you know of a Christmas season event happening in the 19 cities and towns we serve, please let us know. Thanks. Click here for our Churches page. —- Add a Holiday event; Contact Us — For the Friday Night Lights schedule CLICK HERE.
Event: A Homecoming Christmas: Kevin Scott Hall
Date/Time: Sun Dec 12 2021 at 4 pm
Location: 84 Main St.
General Admission is $20. More details, click here.
Event: Turnpike Rod & Gun Club Christmas Party
Date/Time: Saturday, December 18th, 7pm to 11pm
Location: Turnpike Rod & Gun Club, 94 Corey Hill Rd. Ashburnham. Open to the public and no cover charge
Event: First Annual Ashburnham Arts & Culture Day
Date/Time: Saturday, December 4, 2021
Location: Various locations throughout the community Click for complete details.
The Ashburnham Cultural Alliance (ACA) is pleased to announce the first Ashburnham Arts & Culture Day, Events will take place throughout the day at Creative Connections Gift Shop & Gallery, Stevens Memorial Library, New Dawn Arts Center, and the Frederick Historical Piano Study Center. Come out and be part of the creative community!
Event: St. John’s Episcopal Church Christmas Bazaar
Date/Time: Saturday, December 4th from 9am until 2pm
Location: St. John’s Episcopal Church, 15 Park Ave. Athol

Fresh Hand Decorated Wreaths & Swags, Center Table, Knits & Crafts, Santa’s Workshop, Thrift Shop, Bake Sale, Chowder and “To Go” Snackbar Masks are required
Event: Last Chance Holiday Bazaar
Date/Time: Saturday, December 11th from 9 until 2
Location: Town Hall Building on Main Street
The Athol Lions Club will be holding our Last Chance Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, December 11th from 9 until 2 at the Town Hall Building on Main Street here in Athol.. If anyone is interested in reserving a space please reach out and an application will be sent to you! More details click here;
Event: December Paint and Sip
Date/Time: Thursday, December 9, 2021 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Location: Pie Town, 2 Common Street,Barre, MA 01005
More details, click here:
Event: Barre Winter Market
Date/Time: December 4th, 11th and 18th.
Location: inside the Old Town Hall on 2 Exchange St. Barre
Over 20 local businesses. Come support local farmers and artisans and start your Christmas shopping with us.

Barre’s 250th Anniversary Committee is hosting a very BRIGHT fundraiser this holiday season! The community is judging previously registered homes on the following dates: December 9,10,11,12 and 16,17,18,19. Judging is open to the public. Barre 250th anniversary is June 2024 and various fundraisers are planned in the next couple of years in order to fund a year of celebratory events. For more on the Lights of Barre, CLICK HERE.
The Entire Month of December has been declared Small Business Month by Mayor Mike Nicholson and City Council President Liz Kazinskas with every Saturday in the next month deemed Small Business Saturday.
Event: Holiday Extravaganza
Date/Time: Thursday, Dec. 2 5;30 to 9;00
Location: Polish American Citizens Club
Event: The Gardner Museum’s 16th Annual Festival of Trees
Date/Time: Now through December 4, 2021
Location: Gardner Museum, Pearl St.
The Festival of Trees is an annual event sponsored by local businesses. It is an annual Gardner tradition that brings the community together in celebrating the holiday season with long lines of decorated artificial Christmas trees.This is an exhibit and RAFFLE of various sized decorated trees and each one has a special theme, along with wreaths. baskets and other items. During the Festival, the regular museum gift shop will also carry seasonal items for purchase. Final Day; Saturday, December 4, 10am to 1pm. Raffle winners drawing at 2pm Click for more details:
Event: Sip and Shop
Date/Time: Saturday Dec. 11th 1pm to 6pm
Location: Gardner Elks Lodge #1426, 31 Park Street, Gardner
Join us for fun, laughs, and a good time! Crafts, Raffle, prizes, spiked eggnog and mimosas, and more! for more details call Lisa Thompson at (978) 790-0654
Event: First Congregational Church various events
Date/Time: November 28, December 18, December 24
Location: First Congregational Church, 28 Green St., Gardner.
FCC Event Details:
November 28, 5pm – Come celebrate the first Sunday in Advent and the Star lighting-music, fellowship, with light refreshments & donate wrapping paper supplies to the CAC for Christmas giving.
• December 18, 5 to 8pm – Music & light with luminaryLuminary/Story Walk, Stable Animals on the lawn, Sanctuary will have live music and several nativity displays, light refreshments
• December 24, 7pm Christmas Eve Service
Traditional Candle light service
Event: Workshop at The Hardwick Vineyard and Winery
Date/Time: Friday, December 10th from 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Location: OFF-SITE at The Hardwick Vineyard and Winery, 3305 Greenwich Rd, Hardwick, MA
Event: Hubbardston Light Fight!
Date/Time: First 3 weekends of December! December 3rd, 4th & 65th December 10th, 11th, & 12th December 17th, 18th, & 19th 5-9pm each night.
Location: around Hubbardston, MA
Can’t think of a better way to share some holiday joy than looking at light displays, and we could all use a little bit of joy right now…. So come to Hubbardston and see all the entries for the 5th annual Hubbardston Light Fight! Follow the road listing to see all the entries and vote online for your favorite light display! Click for more details:
New Salem
Event: Christmas Gift Delivery
Date/Time: Sunday, December 12, 2021 8am to 4pm
Location: throughout Princeton
Santa Claus in conjunction with the Princeton Firefighter/EMT Association is providing Christmas Gift Delivery on Sunday December 12, 2021 between 8 am and 4 pm. Santa will come to your house on a fire truck and deliver a gift. Please bring gifts to Station 2 located at 11 Redemption Rock Trail-North) during the designated drop off times which are December 5th from noon to 6pm and December 6 to 10 from 6pm to 9pm each day. COVID PRECAUTIONS IN EFFECT. For questions, please call (978) 464-2707 EXT. 1051.
Please limit one gift per child. Santa would appreciate a minimum of a 10 dollar donation to the Princeton Firefighters and EMT Association.
Event: South Village Tree Lighting at the Gazebo
Date/Time: Saturday December 4th, 6:30pm
Santa and His Fire Truck, hot chocolate and cookies, 120 drawing winner announcements, caroling, LBS memory ornaments, and more. Event is sponsored by the Royalston South Village Revitalization Committee and the Royalston Arts Council.
Event: Royalston’s Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony
Date/Time: December 10th 5:30pm
Location: on the common
Featuring Santa & His Fire Truck, Christmas Caroling, Wreath Sale, Chowder, Cookies, S’mores and more. Event is sponsored by the Royalston Cultural Council.
Event: Holiday concert by the New England Swing Orchestra
Date/TIme: Friday December 3, 2021 7:30pm
Location: Rutland Sportsman’s Club, limited tickets available. Actual tickets are FREE, but you need to register in advance. Doors open 6:30pm, Cash bar, light snacks, 50/50 raffle. presented by the Rutland 300th Anniversary Committee. link to their Facebook page.
The next day on December 4, 2021, the Rutland 300th Anniversary and 4th of July Committees bring you Festive Fireworks on the Fourth (of December)
Date/Time: Saturday, December 4, 2021 6:30pm immediately after Tree Lighting on Town Lower Common. link to their Facebook page. .
Event: 20th Annual Festival of Trees
Date/Time: Saturday Dec. 4, 2021 3pm to 8pm
Sunday Dec. 5, 2021 1pm to 4pm
Location: Rutland Library
Beautifully decorated trees, crafty wreaths, gingerbread houses, fudge for sale, basket raffle, kids games, Santa’s Sweet Shoppe, Cookies, Cocoa, Smore’s outside library. Visit Santa (please bring camera) Bring your letters for Santa – He will send a reply if he has your address.
also on Saturday December 4, 2021: Singing and name reading on the Congregational Church steps at 6pm, Tree Lighting on the town common at 6:30pm
also on Sunday, December 5, 2021: Antique Fire Engine Rides from 1 to 4pm. Basket Name Drawing at 3:45pm. You don’t have to be present to win.
Event: St. Martin’s Church Holiday Fair
Date/Time: Dec. 4th 9am to 3pm, Dec. 5th 9am to 1pm
Location: American Legion Hall, 3 Central St., Baldwinville
Details: Dozens of theme baskets, wide array of handcrafted decorations, major prize raffle, chinese auction, and opportunity to have fresh Christmas wreaths and greens decorated to order. Lunch available both days as well as coffee and pastry throughout the day.
Event: Templeton Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Date/Time: Sunday, December 5, 2021 4:30pm
Location: Templeton Center Common from 4:30 to 5:00pm, proceeding to Houghton Park at 5:15pm to 5:45pm, followed by a ceremony at Baldwinville Center near the American Legion from 6:00 to 6:30pm and finishing at the Templeton Senior Center at 6:45pm to 9:00pm with popcorn and a Holiday movie. The Templeton Senior Center is located at 16 Senior Drive Baldwinville (GPS search 79 Bridge Street)
Event: Tree Decorating
Date/Time: Sunday, December 12, 2021 4;30pm
Details; We are planning on putting up a tree outside once again and “decorating’ it with pinecones which we will cover with peanut butter and birdseed on Sun, Dec 12 at 4:30 PM. This sort of activity always goes better with help from small people. Come help us decorate, light the tree and welcome Joseph and the pregnant Mary with a few carols. Masks are requested, we will have extras for those who forget. December 2021 Warwick newsletter, CLICK HERE
Event: Holiday Fair
Date/Time: Sat. Nov. 27 Noon to 4pm – Small Business Saturday
Location: VFW , 3 Easton Street, Westminster
Craft items, holiday decor, wreaths, sweets and treats , one of a kind unique products, chair massages, and so much more you don’t want to miss ! SHOP SMALL BUSINESSES! VFW Post 7389 Facebook page CLICK HERE
Event: Westminster’s 37th Annual Tree Lighting
Date/Time: Sunday, December 5th starting at 4:00 pm
Details: Westminster’s 37th Annual Tree Lighting starts at 4pm at the Gazebo on Academy Hill. Santa arrives at 4:20pm to light the tree and meet families for pictures. S’mores, Hot cocoa, candy canes and Christmas Caroling!
Toy Town Tree Festival

Beal’s Memorial Library Auditorium from November 29 through December 11th. Hours Mondays – Thursdays 1 to 8, Fridays 9 to 5, Saturday 9 to 1. Holiday Open House is Sat. Dec. 11th 9am to 1pm
The Third Annual Toy Town Tree Festival is taking place at the Beal’s Memorial Library Auditorium from November 29 through December 11th. Hours Mondays – Thursdays 1 to 8, Fridays 9 to 5, Saturday 9 to 1. Holiday Open House is Sat. Dec. 11th 9am to 1pm
From the Beal’s Memorial Library Board of Trustees:
Do you love to decorate? Do you have Holiday spirit? Do you love to support your community?
The Beals Memorial Library is looking for businesses, groups, and families that would like to decorate and donate a tree in the Third Annual Toy Town Tree Festival, Stories in the Trees! Please join us for the Third Annual Toy Town Tree Festival, “Stories in the Trees”. Participants will decorate their trees based on their favorite story or book, or on a theme that is reflective of their business.
Viewing of the trees will take place during Library hours from November 29th to December 11th. Trees will be voted on for Best Overall Tree and auctioned off in a Silent Auction! (Auction participation is optional) All proceeds received from this event will go towards the Children’s Library Fund!
Event: Winchendon Festival of Lights
Date/Time: Sat. Dec. 11th, 9 AM to 7 PM
Locaton: Winchendon MA
Craft Fair at Town Hall 9am to 2pm
Holiday Table Setting at Old Center Church 10am to 2pm
Festival of Trees at Beal’s Memorial Library 11am to 2pm
Holiday at the Park at Winchendon Community Park 2-5pm (details below)
Annual Tree Lighting at GAR park 5pm to 7pm
Details; Holiday at the Park 2PM to 5PM at Winchendon Community Park, Ingleside Drive, Winchendon, MA Park details. FYI: The Winchendon Community Park trails are open Dawn to Dusk. Parking is available at the field close to the park entrance as well as at the main house. Printable version of trail map CLICK HERE.
Join us to celebrate Holiday in the Park. There will be hot Cocoa and snacks. Ornament decorating and gingerbread building contest at 3:30pm. Santa will also be there and we will have some one teaching people how to play the game of Dreidel. We might have some cookie decorating happening as well. We will be giving “sliegh” rides (Courtesy of Murdock Farm) starting at 4:30 through our completely lit up down down all the way over to GAR park for the annual tree lighting at 5pm Winchendon Community Park, Ingleside Drive, Winchendon, MA, US 01475