Just for Fun – Explore the Gardner Magazine Fantasy Car Gallery From the first motorized vehicles in the 1800s to the most advanced automobiles of today, people have fantasized about the perfect car. Our gallery has practical styles and vehicles which are really just for fun. Vehicles span all decades.Continue Reading

Heywood Hospital Quickly Taking Over Rehabilitation Services After 3rd Party Issue Heywood Hospital had to spring in to action quickly when it was notified Sunday evening September 17, 2023 that its contracted provider of Heywood Rehabilitation Services was immediately suspending services. While this affected services and patient appointments at leastContinue Reading

Thank you to Claude Vautour for taking pictures of the parade. Gardner MA Holds Centennial Parade – September 17, 2023 The Gardner Centennial Parade with 72 participants kicked off at 1pm on Sunday, September 17, 2023. The event was broadcast live on radio station WGAW which is heard on AMContinue Reading

Listen to this information-filled meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY. Gardner Public Safety Committee stars the Councilors and the Department Heads – Complete Details! The Gardner Public Safety Committee heard from Police Chief Eric McAvene, Building Commissioner Tom Zuppa, and Health Director Micah Bondeau. Listen to the meeting on anyContinue Reading

Hubbardston MA Happenings with Nathan Boudreau – September 13, 2023 We spoke with Hubbardston Town Administrator Nate Boudreau about various Hubbardston issues. The Downtown is in the middle of a major improvement project expected to be completed by June of 2024. We also spoke of other happenings in the town.Continue Reading

Gardner MA Cultural Council is Seeking Funding Proposals This year, the Gardner Cultural Council will distribute about $28,000 in grants. It is accepting proposals for community-oriented arts, humanities, and science programs until the deadline of October 17, 2023. Organizations, schools, and individuals are eligible to apply for grants that supportContinue Reading

When It Comes to Discretionary Spending, Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson is Careful with the Taxpayers’ Money. So how much did the Mayor spend on his portrait after he took office? A total of $350. That included a session fee of $150 and 36 edited high resolution digital images for $200.Continue Reading

To view each chart better, simply click on the image for a larger view. Poll was conducted 9-9-23 to 9-10-23 utilizing 2 Gardner Facebook Groups. All of the options in the Poll were created by group members, not us. We published results when the poll began to get very fewContinue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City on 9-8-23 Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY The Mayor met with representatives from Unitil and National Grid – Rate increases are expected. —-Some work at Waterford Street School continues. City working with the Commonwealth to remove theContinue Reading

Gardner DPW Delivers Seating Surprise to Dog Park On September 6, 2023, the Gardner DPW brought in seating to be used under the shade pavilions. One happy visitor posted, “Awesome new benches at the park, thanks Gardner DPW for installing.”Continue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Explains Charter Changes The City Council recently approved changes to the City Charter and is putting the issue before the citizens of Gardner as a non-binding ballot question on November 7, 2023. Mayor Nicholson prepared a video in which he explains what the changes wouldContinue Reading

Streaming TV at a new record – options for Greater Gardner MA Nielsen measures television viewing. By July 2023, Nielsen reports the following share of viewing: Broadcast TV 20 percent, Cable TV 29.6%, Streaming 38.7%, and Other Sources such as unmeasured video on demand, audio streaming, gaming, and devices suchContinue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City on September 1, 2023 The Mayor covered various events, explained the happenings of the Centennial Parade Day, went over City Charter on the ballot, and explained Route 140 Zoning issues. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY Events: A welcome to FacultyContinue Reading

UPDATE August 29, 2023: Mary Kate Feeney of Bay State Racing LLC states that their membership in the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce has been reinstated and the problem was technical. Rebecca Marois, CEO of the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce responded to our inquiry: “Following standard Chamber of CommerceContinue Reading

Blake Makes Big Campaign Flub – Attacks Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson and then Doubles Down – Also Attacks this Publisher Just follow Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Facebook page for a week and you’ll see a man deeply involved with his community, its organizations, and its people. So when Kimberly BlakeContinue Reading

Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY. An answer regarding the weeds at Gardner MA Elementary School The Gardner Elementary School Finance Sub-committee met on August 16, 2023 to discuss and approve various items relating to the school. The subject of the weeds came up. Citizen SteveContinue Reading