Fedex has promised to reach back out to us for further comment once the investigation is complete. Investigation into Gardner MA Package Drops Gardner Magazine reached out to Fedex regarding Gardner resident complaints about packages being delivered to incorrect locations in the Chair City and accusations that Fedex refused toContinue Reading

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month in Greater Gardner MA Distracted driving kills thousands in the U.S. every year.  Drivers both young and old use handheld devices while driving.  Other distractions which take time away from the seconds needed to avoid an accident can be talking to others in theContinue Reading

Watch the Gardner MA Mayor’s update on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or visit our Mayor’s update page, CLICK HERE. *On the film “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”, click here. While Mr. Nicholson goes to Washington, *Mr. Smith Fills in for Gardner MA Weekly Update The Mayor’s aide, ColinContinue Reading

Watch this 5 minute meeting on YouTube. CLICK HERE. The Gardner MA License Commission held a special meeting on 4-5-22 Discussed was the seasonal alcohol license for Zoe’s on the Green to operate at the Gardner Municipal Golf Course.  It was approved subject to a facility inspection.  Angela DiPrima commentedContinue Reading

Hug your pet with love on this day and every day! National Pet Day in Greater Gardner MA is Monday April 11, 2022 This day is dedicated to our pets and is also a day to highlight pet adoption. It’s a day to schedule missed veterinary care or grooming. NationalContinue Reading

Gardner MA Employers looking for Workers Jobs are available in the Greater Gardner MA area. The lion’s share of these positions are in the hospitality/restaurants/and retail arena with many open positions. More than a half dozen local manufacturers are looking to hire. Other positions are in construction, health/medical, and recreation.Continue Reading

Watch this meeting on the City of Gardner YouTube page or our City Council page. CLICK HERE What the Gardner City Clerk’s office does: Issues Birth, Death, and Marriage Certificates. Issues Marriage Licenses. Issues Business Certificates. Issues Dog Licenses. Issues Raffle and Bazaar Permits. Elections Administration and Supervision. Administers theContinue Reading

The facility is just to the right of the Gardner Walmart. Construction Season is Well Underway in Greater Gardner MA Community Health Connections anticipates December 2022 opening. Home Construction Home construction is humming along on Route 2A at the Gardner/Templeton line. Some of the homes are in Gardner and othersContinue Reading

Approximately 50 people were interviewed for the report on the Gardner Police Department. Both the Chief and Deputy Chief have been on paid Administrative leave for the past couple months. Until March 11th, an Acting Chief was running the Department. Currently, two lieutenants share the duties. Gardner MA Mayor MichaelContinue Reading

To watch the weekly Mayor’s update, utilize the City of Gardner Youtube channel, or go to our Mayor’s update page. CLICK HERE. No word on Gardner MA Police, Good news on construction and Grants The status of the Gardner Police Department and/or the Investigative Report remains unclear with no mentionContinue Reading

Cloud Hanging over Stop and Buy in Gardner MA The Gardner Board of Health met at length on 3-28-22 regarding repeated violations of the food code at Stop and Buy, 56 Union Square Gardner. Specifically, inspections going back 5 years have revealed expired food at every inspection. Watch meeting onContinue Reading

Gardner MA Residents Love Their Coffee Whether it’s making coffee at home, getting coffee to go, or drinking coffee at an area establishment, each has their own opinion.  We asked the following on  Gardner, MA, What’s going on Facebook page, “So many in Gardner LOVE Coffee. My question is: WhereContinue Reading

Enjoy a round of Golf in the Greater Gardner Area! Spring Brings Greater Gardner MA Golfers to the Greens There are more than 8 golf courses in the immediate area: Gardner Municipal Golf Course, 152 Eaton Street, Gardner    Website: Rates: Facebook – Templewood Golf Course, 160 Brooks Rd., Templeton, MAContinue Reading

33rd Annual Spring Art Show in Gardner MA April 22-23-24, 2022 The Greater Gardner Artists Association holds its annual main event, an art exhibit at the Boland Room, located at Heywood Place at 65 Lake Street, Gardner.   The organization expects almost 200 pieces to be on display in oil, water,Continue Reading