Cost of Metered Parking to Double in Downtown Gardner The parking meters are being installed one at a time and enforcement won’t begin until early 2025. Cost has been 25 cents per half hour for 20 years, but will go up to 50 cents per half hour if the GardnerContinue Reading

Special Town Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 6:30pm at the Westminster Elementary School at 9 Academy Hill Road, Westminster Westminster: Special Town Meeting November 19th Registered Voters in the town of Westminster will be attending a Special Town Meeting on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 6:30pm at the WestminsterContinue Reading

News from Hotline Radio November 16, 2024 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas gave updates. The Veterans Ceremony was aired in two parts. Listen to the complete program on any device. CLICK PLAY. At the beginning of the show, Mayor Nicholson describes his notification from the CityContinue Reading

Gardner Police Department to Hold Food Drive Supporting Gardner CAC and Gardner Senior Center The Gardner Police Department has announced that it is launching a new event: The First Annual Fill-A-Cruiser Food Drive. Event will be held in front of the Gardner PD on Saturday, November 23, 2024 from 9amContinue Reading

Fire Danger Very Serious in Greater Gardner MA The Gardner Fire Department posted a very serious message on November 16, 2024: “Sadly, we are still continuing to respond to people illegally burning in their yards on a daily bases. We thank all the citizens who have called these fires inContinue Reading

UPDATE 11-16-24: Bruce Chester did not turn in papers by 5pm deadline yesterday. Therefore according to Mayor Michael Nicholson who appeared on WGAW’s Hotline Radio on Saturday November 16th, there will be no recount. Again, papers not turned in. There will be no recount. Note: According to Gardner Mayor MichaelContinue Reading

Finance Committee has Honor of Hearing from Assistant Director Evan Cudmore All were impressed as Assistant Director of Community Development and Planning Evan Cudmore updated the Gardner MA Finance Committee on various projects and grants. Mayor Nicholson also added some information, but Cudmore was thorough. Cudmore has been with theContinue Reading

Committee Hears Reports from Library, Golf Course, and Cable TV The Gardner Public Welfare Committee met on November 14, 2024 and heard updates from directors of the following areas: Library, Golf, and Cable. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY. Outgoing Library Director Stephanie Young spoke for more than 20 minutesContinue Reading

School Committee Meets – Achievements Recognized The Gardner MA School Committee met on November 12, 2024. At the beginning of the meeting, Superintendent Pellegrino recognized Retired Principal Cherie McComb (spelling corrected) and other retired teachers who have supported a program of education for immigrants. McComb spoke about the program andContinue Reading

The Closet – A Work of Fiction Featuring Kamala, Don, Joe, and Werner. Just a little bit of fun in a commentary for WGAW. While they might sound like the real thing, the characters are fictional. Launch on any device, CLICK PLAY. Packing boxes. What could go wrong? WGAW HotlineContinue Reading

Gardner MA Museum Festival of Trees Set to Begin Gardner Museum 2024 Festival of Trees runs from November 13th through December 7th. Hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays 1pm to 4pm, Fridays 1pm to 7pm, Saturdays and Sundays 10am to 4pm. The Gardner Museum is located on Pearl Street in Gardner. DueContinue Reading

Veterans Honored with Ceremony in Gardner MA Veterans were honored in prayer, in words, and in music at the Veterans Day Exercises which took place in Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall on Veterans Day, November 11, 2024. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.Continue Reading

Original Music page, CLICK HERE. including “Veterans of Service” Gardner Magazine Presents – Original Music Here’s the page, CLICK HERE. “Who Started Goofy with a Huge Screw Loose”, the “Rockin’ Gardner City Council”, “Election Day”, “Chair City of Heart”, “To Grow A Valentine”, “WGAW, One Station on the Dial”, “Gardner,Continue Reading

Patriotism and Love for Veterans Is Alive at Gardner High School Veterans protect our country from adversaries who would harm us and who would disrupt the lives of our youngest to our oldest. Students in a class at Gardner High took the time to salute our nation’s heroes by makingContinue Reading

“Rock Stars” of Gardner City Council Inspire Rock Song They are the Gardner 11, a mix of men and women from different backgrounds who represent the citizens of Gardner Massachusetts. They are the “Rock Stars” of the Gardner City Council, the money musicians of the Chair City, often praised forContinue Reading

The Classy Look of the “M” Building in Downtown Gardner. The building is home to Empire Management, Gardner Coins and Cards, and Garden Pizza. The outside look of the building was enhanced earlier this year, and now the front facing and additional side facing signs complete the look. Empire ManagementContinue Reading

Waterford Community Center Lease Signed with Gardner CAC On November 8 2024, Gardner Mayor Nicholson and Julie Meehan, CAC Director signed a lease for use of a portion of the Waterford Community Center. It is a grant lease with no monthly payment due in consideration for what the Gardner CommunityContinue Reading

MORE DETAILS: Farmers Market at Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall. Saturday November 23, 2024 10am to 1pm Erica Bosse advises that about 30 vendors will have more than 40 tables. Jordans Turkey Farm and Wildwood Farm both have pre order Turkey options for pick up at the market andContinue Reading

Actual guidance on recounts from the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office, CLICK HERE for the 16 page guide. As the margin was about 4 percent. it appears this election would not be eligible for a recount as difference must be not more than 1/2 percent. Editorial: Election Results Should beContinue Reading

Extreme Fire Hazard Persists in Greater Gardner Area Because of dry conditions, all outdoor fires are dangerous right now. In most area communities, any outdoor burning is prohibited. If you have any questions, please contact your local Fire Department. Drought Map of Massachusetts on 11-7-24 Gardner and surrounding communities areContinue Reading

Veterans Day is Monday November 11, 2024. Area communities have events starting as early as Thursday, November 7th. Veterans Day 2024 is Monday November 11th It is a day we honor men and women who have served in the United States military and thank them for preserving the freedoms weContinue Reading