Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the City of Gardner In his update of May 31, 2024 Gardner Mayor Nicholson covered various grand openings and ribbon cuttings, construction, improvements, and events. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. The Mayor spoke of various ribbon cuttings coming up. He also stated of TimpanyContinue Reading

Key Facts Regarding the Winchendon School Budget Issue What is not disputed: Without having a Proposition 2 1/2 override, not all desired expenditures can be made and priorities must be decided. A school budget needs to be passed prior to July 1, 2024. Publisher’s note: While an override has notContinue Reading

Gardner MA Library to Feature Live Country Music Renowned New England singer-songwriter Matt York will perform “Willie Nelson: Songs and Stories” Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 6pm on the lawn of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA. ADMISSION is FREE. Listen to Matt York introducing himself on anyContinue Reading

Downtown: Construction is underway at what will be an attraction in Downtown Gardner: Maki Park. Maki Park will be a 3 tiered park offering seating, cornhole, and a bandstand. Stunning facade improvements have been made to the M Building of Empire Management. The company recently purchased the former Bank ofContinue Reading

Official Press Release, CLICK HERE. Complete Court Filing, CLICK HERE. Heywood Healthcare to Emerge Independent by Summer Heywood Healthcare will remain independent according to a Press Release announcing its filing to Exit Chapter 11 (Filing occurred just before midnight on May 28, 2024). Heywood has expanded services since its inceptionContinue Reading

MWCC Announces Graduates of Early College and Pathways Programs 13 Pathways Graduates are pictured at top. MWCC’s Pathways Early College Experience offers motivated students interested in getting a head start on college the opportunity to earn their high school diploma and an associate degree while completing their junior and seniorContinue Reading

Town of Winchendon Working Towards Budget Resolution With the initial School Budget rejected at Town Meeting, another Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7pm in the Murdock Middle High School Auditorium. As a budget needs to be approved prior to July 1, 2024, sufficient attendance atContinue Reading

Federal Help Available for last September’s Storms From September 11 to September, 13, 2023 -Worcester County, (particularly the City of Leominster) was affected by severe storms and flooding. President Joe Biden just approved the assistance which was initially denied. Various resources are available. General Resource page, CLICK HERE. Individuals impactedContinue Reading

Gardner MA Holds Memorial Day Ceremony On Memorial Day 2024, May 27, 2024, Gardner had a parade with a ceremony at Monument Park. The event featured distinguished service members, public officials, and the public gathering to honor those who have served and who we remember. Listen on any device, CLICKContinue Reading

Publisher’s Note: List of participants is posted below. Visit for more information, resources and link to the official Facebook page which may have updates. GEHM Flyer for Yard Sale at 525 Main Street, CLICK HERE. Gardner City-Wide Yard Sale is Saturday June 1st – Participating Residents The anonymous organizerContinue Reading

20th Annual Vietnam Veterans of America Memorial Ride Hundreds of motorcycle riders took part in the 20th annual Vietnam Veterans of America Memorial Ride on the morning of Sunday May 26, 2024. The approximate 3 hour ride included VVA Chapter 907 and Patriot Riders Chapter 3 and began at theContinue Reading

For more information on Memorial Day, CLICK HERE. Greater Gardner Chamber With a List of Memorial Day Events As Memorial Day approaches, let us honor and remember those who have served our nation. Here is a list of Memorial Day events in the Greater Gardner Community. Thank you to allContinue Reading

For more information about the Levi Heywood Memorial Library, CLICK HERE. Library Drone Photo Enhanced with AI to Showcase Technology in Greater Gardner MA At left is a beautiful REAL Drone photo taken by the Gardner Police Department. To showcase the capabilities, uses, and dangers of AI, Gardner Magazine usedContinue Reading

Important Gardner High School Graduation Events Tuesday, May 28, 7pm Holy Rosary Church- Baccalaureate Ceremony Thursday, May 30 5:30pm Gardner High School – Senior Awards Night Saturday, June 1, 10am Watkins Field – Gardner High Graduation (remember to RSVP if you plan to attend graduation so they can have aContinue Reading

Note: The Gardner Farmers Market will feature over 20 local vendors, including participants in the Healthy Incentives Program (HIP) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), ensuring equitable access to fresh, nutritious food for all residents. For more information about the Gardner Farmers Market, CLICK HERE. Details on the New FarmersContinue Reading

From City of Gardner 5-24-24 at about noon, “DPW crews are responding to a water main break on Century Way. Water services and traffic flow on Century way between Fernwood Drive and Clark Street may be impacted until repairs are fully made.”Continue Reading

Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson with a 24 Minute Memorial Day Weekend Update on the 24th Listen to the update on any device, CLICK PLAY. Mayors Convention – Nicholson attended “All of the mayors from around the Commonwealth get together for a couple of days just to go over some bestContinue Reading

Farmers Market APPROVED at Zoning Board Meeting Zoning Board of Appeals 5-21-24: The First case at the meeting was that of the Farmers Market. Erica Bosse went over the details. Gardner Mayor Nicholson also provided details. The Farmers Market was approved. (Complete Article later today.) Listen to this particular caseContinue Reading

Editorial Commentary – Excellence in Gardner Government and Schools I want to tell you very specifically why I am so proud and honored to report on the City of Gardner and its dedicated Team. Gardner has changed for the better in the last 4 years. The Gardner City Council doesContinue Reading

To view letter in larger view, just click image. Ashby Police Chief Issues Letter of Commendation to 3 Officers The Ashby Police Department posted, “Chief Derek Pepple would like to recognize these officers for their actions on May 9, 2024. Ofc. Davis was the lone officer on shift that evening,Continue Reading

Bear Spotted at Various Locations Near Downtown Gardner A Big Black Bear was spotted at a number of locations near Downtown Gardner on Thursday May 23, 2024. A Gardner resident reported that MA Environmental Police suggested he leave the Dog Park due to a bear in the area. Numerous reportsContinue Reading

Gardner MA Board Of Health Releases Cease and Desist Letter The Gardner Board of Health has been praised for acting swiftly when they discovered the illegal food pantry being operated at 25 Baker Street in Gardner. A local resident had not obtained permits or inspections as required. Board of HealthContinue Reading