Various “Loud Booms” have been heard in the area over the last month or so. The cause: A Cannon. If you know who the culprit is, please let your local Police Department know. Cause of Greater Gardner “Loud Booms” Revealed It’s Not an Earthquake… In the evening of September 3,Continue Reading

Gardner Uptown Rotary Construction Continues – Gardner School Begins It is an inconvenient truth. Uptown Rotary Construction has reached a critical point with paving to occur within the next couple of weeks. The problem: School is starting right after Labor Day and any work might be disruptive. However, any inconvenienceContinue Reading

Examination of Electoral Maps Reveals Just How Close Recent Elections Have Been Gardner Magazine is showing you the actual electoral maps of 2016 and 2020 for those who don’t think of the election in terms of the electoral college, which is what we actually use. It illustrates why the candidatesContinue Reading

Gardner Museum Highlights Photography Exhibit and Reveals More…. Photos show beautiful photos from the exhibit while also showing other beautiful Gardner Museum displays. The museum posted, “Today marks the beginning of our fall/winter exhibit. Local photographer Jeff Sargent, who bought his very first camera in 1981, displays “Northeast Wildlife throughContinue Reading

WGAW Has Special Hotline Radio Broadcast Featuring Speakers from a Night of Hope On Saturday, August 31, 2024, WGAW featured a broadcast with highlights from this week’s Night of Hope which took place at Monument Park in Gardner. Following a live update from Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, there were manyContinue Reading

Update September 3, 2024 Mayor Michael Nicholson explained: “MEPA stated they got enough complaints from individuals stating the 8 day notice was too short of a time, even though the minimum legal requirement is 7 days, so they have ordered the meeting be reposted with a 14 day notice.” MeetingContinue Reading

Lafayette Square Looks Great After Help from Gardner Business and Staff Gardner’s Boucher Funeral Home offered to clean up Lafayette Square and the City gladly accepted. Photos show the before and after. Boucher Funeral Home posted, “It takes a village! After seeing the flower bed in Lafayette Square/ Franco-American VeteranContinue Reading

Publisher’s Note: As soon as he was made aware of the issues, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson reached out to the appropriate people so that an expeditious solution could be attained. ADA Compliance Solutions in the Works for Maki Park Gardner Magazine spoke with Gardner Mayor Nicholson on August 30, 2024.Continue Reading

Above Photos taken from our vehicle. Below photos taken by Judy Mack. Mayor Takes Action – School of Weeds to be Saved from Overgrowth The current overgrowth at GES will be soon be mowed to be City compliant, states Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson who had an in-person meeting with SuperintendentContinue Reading

Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY. Why Mums in the Graphic? Volunteers are needed to plant mums in the City’s flower pots for a few hours on September 13th and 14th. contact In Pre-Labor Day Update, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Informs the City Welcome: Teachers whoContinue Reading

The Gardner Board of Assessors Gardner Assessor Concludes City Should Meet New Growth Value The Board of Assessors met with members Assessor Christine Kumar and Paulette Burns. Listen to the exciting meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY. Assessor Kumar stated, “We do have a little update. So, the residential, commercial,Continue Reading

HAZMAT SITUATION in Winchendon MA The Winchendon Fire Department posted on the morning of 8-28-24 , “Spring St. will be closed to traffic between Glenallen St and the lights at Rt. 140 due to an ongoing HAZMAT incident. The road will be closed for an extended period of time pleaseContinue Reading

Chair Greg Dumas stated, “I’ve asked a hundred times what retainers are left on that job and I get a zero response. They think I’m an idiot. If they take all their retainers out, shame on the city.” Gardner Conservation Commission Introduces Agent Justin Enright Justin Enright was introduced asContinue Reading

Paving Time is Here in Gardner – Schedule Announced DPW Director Dane Arnold has announced the specific Gardner MA paving schedule for the end of August and all of September. The schedule is subject to change based on weather. Paving Schedule – 8/29: Lower structures on Dinan Drive and MeadowbrookContinue Reading

International Overdose Awareness Day and Night of Hope Overdose Awareness Day and Night of Hope in Gardner is Wednesday, August 28th. Monument Park Vigil is 6:30-8:30pm and the City Hall Luminaria Service is at 8:30pm. Some facts: In the United States there are over 100,000 drug overdose deaths each year.Continue Reading

Maki Park Opens with Questions About Accessibility Maki Park is a beautiful, 3 tiered park now open in Downtown Gardner. However, as we took photographs on August 23, 2024 it was immediately apparent that there are accessibility issues. Currently there are stairs, but the park is not ADA compliant asContinue Reading

The Gardner City Clerk’s office is having a special Saturday voter registration session August 24th from 9am to 5pm in Perry Auditorium. Last day to register to vote for the upcoming September 3rd State Primary (other offices – Presidential Primary held earlier this year.) Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates theContinue Reading

GAAMHA plans to hold its 2nd annual Christmas Tree Fundraiser this Fall. Last year, over 500 Christmas trees were sold. This year visitors will be able to meet two of the rarest ponies on earth, Hope and Chestnutt. GAAMHA’s Shawn Hayden on Pony Births and Ongoing Family of Services GardnerContinue Reading

Hubbardston MA Town Meeting Overwhelmingly Approves Phase 1 of Project According to the Town of Hubbardston website, “The 48 Gardner Road Phase 1 Proposal has officially passed, with strong support from the community—339 votes in favor to 33 against. This approval marks a critical milestone as we begin the much-neededContinue Reading

Gardner Board of Health Discusses Solid Waste Landfill Concerns Gardner Health Director Micah Blondeau informed the Board of Health that he is awaiting final plans for erosion repairs at the Landfill. Resident Alan Rousseau has property abutting the sanitary landfill site and spoke to the Board about his concerns. OtherContinue Reading

Gardner MA Zoning Board of Appeals Tackles 3 Interesting Cases The Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals had 4 members at its meeting of August 20, 2024 and 3 interesting cases. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY At First there were 2 driveways: The applicant is trying to get its 2ndContinue Reading