WGAW Hotline Show 9-14-24 This week’s program included both a recorded update from Mayor Nicholson at the beginning and a LIVE interview at the end, ABC News on Debate, Presidential Race, and Parenting, Steve Wendell satire on Counseling Teachers, City Council President Kazinskas on various City matters and a commentaryContinue Reading

Gardner MA Deputy Chief Nicholas Maroni Achieves Prestigious Honor Deputy Chief Nicholas Maroni has completed 10 weeks of advanced communication, leadership, and fitness training at the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia. Pictured upper left is Nicholas Maroni, upper right FBI Director Christopher Wray with Maroni, and Bottom Maroni withContinue Reading

Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson with Weekly Update Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY. Recognition: Adult Day Care Week Events: Monday September 16th: Project Redemption Photography Exhibit with a speaking portion at 6:30pm —- September 17 from 6pm to 7:30pm: Gardner High School Open House —- September 19thContinue Reading

Publisher’s note: Apparently the date was set on August 12th, 1 month ago. However, the media and the City of Gardner were not notified so we did not publicize until now. Have News? Email News@GardnerMagazine.com and we will be happy to publicize your event. Gardner MA Fall Yard Sale GardnerContinue Reading

Remembering – 9-11 From images of the towers posted by the Boston Fire Department to images of “Never Forget” and “Remember” posted by Greater Gardner MA area Fire Departments, September 11, 2001 was remembered on 9-11-24. Flight 11 struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46am, 9:03am:Continue Reading

Trump – Harris Debate Former President Trump and Vice President Harris had a debate on September 10, 2024. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY. The election is November 5, 2024. The candidate which receives 270 electoral votes or more wins the Presidency. RealClearPolitics.com publishes all of the various polls. CLICKContinue Reading

View the complete agenda and packet for this meeting, CLICK HERE. We have 3 other separate articles on this meeting. See Below. Gardner MA School Committee Meets on September 9, 2024 Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY. This was the first meeting of the entire SchoolContinue Reading

Gardner MA School Superintendent Mark Pellegrino Speaks about Goals Dr. Mark Pellegrino spoke about goals for Fiscal Year 2025. Listen on any device. For District Improvement, goal 1 is fidelity to common planning time expectations and goal 2 is fidelity to tier 1 core instructional practices. With regard to studentContinue Reading

Dr. Catherine Goguen Reports on the District Improvement Plan for Gardner Public Schools Dr. Catherine Goguen stated that the District Improvement Plan has been updated for the next three years. It was presented to the School Committee for the first time at its meeting of September 9, 2024. Listen toContinue Reading

Robert Swartz Provides a School Facilities Report School Committee member Robert Swartz provided a School Facilities Report on September 9, 2024. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY. Swartz reported that a 50+ year PA system was replaced at the High School. All battery operated clocks at the High School wereContinue Reading

U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Releases Report on Withdrawal from Afghanistan Gardner Magazine is choosing to publish this report in its entirety so you can read it for yourself and not be subject to the spin from the Media. The report is called, “Willful Blindness: An Assessment of the Biden-HarrisContinue Reading

Death Investigation ongoing in Templeton Templeton Police reported the discovery of a deceased male on the railroad tracks along State Road in Baldwinville just after 1pm on Saturday, September 7, 2024. Arriving at the scene were Templeton Police, Templeton Fire, Massachusetts State Police, and representatives from the railroad company. TempletonContinue Reading

WGAW Starts September with a Guest-packed Hotline Radio Show WGAW Hotline Radio Show on Saturday September 7, 2024 featured local officials and some special guests. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson provided an update and answered host Steve Wendell’s questions. The Mayor spoke of various projectsContinue Reading

Missing Gardner MA Child Located in Less than 2 Hours On Friday, September 6, 2024 at 7:17am, the Gardner PD received a report of a missing 14 year old autistic child. A search of the child’s home and surrounding streets did not locate the child. According to Gardner Police DepartmentContinue Reading

Hubbardston Town Administrator Nathan Boudreau Brings out the First PITCH It’s an idea designed to get ideas from the public. It’s called P.I.T.C.H. and stands for “Public Ideas Transforming Capital in Hubbardston” Town Administrator Nathan Boudreau is inviting proposals to include infrastructure, vehicles, parks, and more. Just submit your ideaContinue Reading

Dana Heath Confesses – I Did It 3 Times This Week Gardner MA City Councilor Dana Heath spoke at the City Council meeting of September 4, 204 and confessed that he ate at Jersey Mike’s 3 times in one week and he’s not proud of it, but it was goodContinue Reading

Gardner MA City Councilor Calvin Brooks Speaks about the Demand side of the Drug Equation Brooks spoke of the law of Supply and Demand in the Drug Trade. The Councilor believes Gardner is helping to lessen demand in various ways he outlines. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY. Brooks stated,Continue Reading

Gardner City Council Meets on September 4th The Gardner MA City Council met on September 4, 2024. All Councilors were present with the exception of Paul Tassone. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY. The Council reviewed various orders from the Mayor. An Open Meeting Law Complaint rulingContinue Reading

Properties: Requests for Proposal open until September 17th for 94 Pleasant Street. —- Demolition of old Nadeau Street factory to occur soon in conjunction with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Provides September 6, 2024 Update of various events Listen to the update on any device.Continue Reading

Gardner Asks for Mum-unteers Gardner is looking for volunteers to help plant Mums in the Downtown area during Saturday September 13th and Sunday September 14th. The Mayor stated in his update of September 6th: “A lot of hands make light work.” To sign up, call the Mayor’s office at (978)Continue Reading

John’s Sport Shop has the School Sports Spirit Last year they celebrated 60 years in business and this year they are going strong. John’s Sport Shop has unveiled some more Wildcat Wear while wishing local students a Happy First Day of School. The iconic Downtown Gardner store is noted forContinue Reading

In my opinion, we would be all best served by discussing policy differences rather than disparaging those with whom we disagree. While I took the time to follow this through for about two days, it was consuming. Today the group has less ridiculous posts and I hope that continues. EditorialContinue Reading

With more than a 2 year journey complete, Just Dance Performing Arts Center has a new permanent home at 25 Kraft Street, Gardner Just Dance Performing Arts Center Gets Permanent New Home The Dance Center has a new home just in time for 2024-2025 Dance Season which runs from SeptemberContinue Reading

State Trooper Posts About Wrong-Way Driver in Gardner On September 4, 2024, an 80 year old Hubbardston woman was driving in the wrong direction on Route 2 and struck a vehicle being operated by a a 44 year old Gardner woman. According to State Trooper Dustin Fitch, only minor injuriesContinue Reading