Food Pantry liability, click here.
Gardner CAC has a Food Pantry located at 294 Pleasant Street in Gardner and would love your donations. Website with secure donation ability, CLICK HERE.
Open a Food Pantry at Your House – NO, you can’t do that…
A Gardner resident has announced that a food pantry would open at her residence on Friday, May `17th. However, that might not be lawful. Activities allowed on private property are governed by Zoning which may not allow this, so the first stop would be to the Building Department in Gardner to find out what the rules are. Secondly, the distribution of food in Massachusetts requires a permit obtained after proper inspections. As of midday today, neither the Building Department nor the Board of Health had heard from the resident.
According to Mass Law, a non-profit is not charged for food pantry inspections. Usually, a food bank would be opened by a non-profit holding 501(c) status with the IRS at a location suited for the activity and only after visiting the proper City departments for the appropriate approvals. It’s all to protect the public including existing food pantries which have very real operating costs associated with maintaining standards and rely on donations. Excess traffic at a residential property infringes on the rights of abutters to quiet enjoyment of their properties and can be a public safety hazard. That’s why for example, in the City of Gardner no more than 4 yard sales per year are allowed and even the times are restricted to 8am to 4pm. Open a food pantry at your house, NO, you can’t do that.
The Gardner Building Department and the Gardner Board of Health are aware of the situation. It is unclear at this hour if the resident has been informed about the potential issue or if the pantry must first open before action is taken.
Support Existing Food Pantries
Residents are urged to patronize existing and inspected local food pantries where food safety is assured. Those having donations are urged to make cash or food donations to existing food pantries who already have structures in place to provide food to those who need it. In addition, a proper food pantry with 501(c) status would provide a tax deduction for donations. Some area food pantries which accept food donations and money to buy supplemental food items include: Ashburnham Community Church Food Pantry, 84 Main Street, Ashburnham —- Barre Food Pantry, 30 Park Street, Barre —- Christ Church Food Pantry ,569 Main Street, Fitchburg —- Gardner Community Action Committee Food Pantry located at 294 Pleasant Street in Gardner (the CAC) Website with secure donation ability, CLICK HERE. —- Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center Food Pantry, 268 Central Street, Gardner —- Our Father’s Table at Faith Christian Church, 40 Boutelle Street, Fitchburg —- Our Lady Immaculate Food Pantry, 192 School Street, Athol —- Ruth’s Harvest Food Pantry at Leominster United Methodist Church, 77 Hall Street, Leominster —- Winchendon Community Action Council Food Pantry, 273 Central Street, Winchendon —- Worcester County Food Bank, 474 Boston Turnpike, Shrewsbury (Also distributes foods to area food banks)