More on crumbling foundations on the Town of Winchendon website, CLICK HERE.
Winchendon Select Board Hears About Pyrrhotite in Concrete
The unusual iron sulfide with variable iron content can really screw up concrete, and the problems in house foundations sometimes takes 10 to 30 years to show up. The Winchendon Select Board heard about the problem at its January 22, 2024 meeting. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Rick Ward reminded people interested in running for Town Office that nomination papers can be picked up at the Town Clerk’s Office on the first floor of City Hall, but must be returned by March 18th.
Karen and Brian from Massachusetts Residents Against Crumbling Foundations gave an information presentation on the issue stating, “We’re here tonight in the hopes of just bringing some awareness that there are some homes in Winchendon that have been affected by pyrrhotite.” The problem is expensive. According to the presenters, “The only remedy at this point is to actually lift a house up in the air, demolish the old foundation, and pour a new one.”