Projects – Events – Veterans – Budgets – Pets Focus of WGAW Hotline Radio Show
The WGAW Hotline Radio Show of March 22, 2025 was filled with great interviews. Listen to the entire show on any device, CLICK PLAY.
1st Hour: Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson on projects in Gardner including the Rome Building at Willow and Main, Gardner Spray Park, the Mayor speaks about a large number of events in Gardner. — Jim Benton, Vietnam Veterans of America about various programs and events such as annual Memorial Ride — Abbott and Costello with famous baseball routine “Who’s on First”
2nd Hour: Big budget problems Winchendon and Templeton. —- Templeton: interview with Matthew Rivard who is resigning from the Templeton Board of Selectmen. Rivard speaks on his reasons for resigning and concerns about the Templeton budget. Rivard criticizes the mentality of the people of Templeton with respect to funding the town and “their inability to be forward looking”. Winchendon: Deep Dive with Jack and Jill: Winchendon School Budget —- Werner Poegel Commentary on People and Pets in the Chair City.