Official Election Dates in the City of Gardner MA
Up for election this year are several offices including Mayor, ward councilors, councilors at large and 3 of the 6 School Committee members. Subject to the approval of the City Solicitor the dates are as follows: Obtain nomination papers beginning April 1st, Return papers by July 15th, Preliminary election (if needed) will be September 16th, and the regular election will be November 4th. OFFICIAL ELECTION SCHEDULE, CLICK HERE.
A preliminary election is required if any one of the following conditions occurs: If there are more than 2 candidates for Mayor, more than 2 candidates for any one ward councilor position, or more than a dozen candidates for councilor at large or more than 6 candidates for School Committee.
First step: Get the nomination papers and obtain 50 signatures. Many candidates strive to get more than the required signatures just in case some don’t qualify.