A number of topics and some resolutions at nearly 4 hour Templeton Select Board Meeting.
Summary: During the lengthy (nearly 4 hour) Select Board Meeting, the following occurred: Citizen comment was heard, Selectman Tim Toth criticized the media including Mass Live and Gardner Magazine for our inquires into the Adam Lamontagne – Chris Casavant – Select Board situation, —- Selectman Jeff Bennett explained his proposed action to remove Mike Currie as Chair of the Select Board for cause including the alleged mishandling of meeting agendas and his demeanor with others — the consideration of the Town Administrator Letter of Resignation resulted in the acceptance of the resignation on a 3-2 vote with members Bennett and Griffis voting against, —- the appointment of Holly Young as an interim Town Administrator for a six month period after a lengthy discussion with both positive and negative comments,—– funding issues with Templeton Community TV, —– discussion of concerns regarding the environmental impact of the Gardner Landfill to the Town of Templeton including a lengthy statement by Gardner abutter Alan Rousseau, —– and other matters detailed on the agenda, CLICK HERE. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Moving forward: Vice Chair Mathew Rivard will serve as Chair until a reorganization of the board at the next meeting March 26th. Holly Young will serve as interim Town Administrator for a period of 6 months from March 18th through 9-17-25. A written agreement will be entered into as well.
Publisher’s Editorial Note: Gardner Magazine obtained the Casavant complaint and Lamontagne response through appropriate channels. Selectman Toth’s criticism of both Mass Live and WebTech Online – Gardner Magazine is unfortunate as America is built on the foundation of a FREE PRESS. In my opinion, asking questions so the actual facts can be presented to the public is always a good thing, especially as in our email, we stated we would publish any of the Select Board members comments. That is why Gardner Magazine publishes complete Press Releases, complete AUDIO of meetings, and various other documents including agendas, packets, and reports, so you the public, can see and hear the raw facts rather than get just our take on it.
For future reference: Templeton Community Television has a Facebook Group, CLICK HERE. Many Templeton meetings are available through TCTV.