Conservation Commission Meets Regarding Various Properties and Various Concerns
The Sludge Landfill issue was discussed very briefly with Chair Greg Dumas allowing only “new” material from the public. Considerable time was spent on 36 Nicole Terrace. The Homeowner allegedly cut down trees on an adjacent property which he did not own. A representative from the North County Land Trust appeared and stated they were the owners of the land on which the homeowner cut down trees without their permission. However, due to wetlands concerns, the trees should not have been cut down anyway. The commission continued the matter to March in an effort to educate the homeowner and determine next steps needed to replace trees to protect the environment. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
A presentation was made regarding a proposed single family home located off Betty Spring Road.
The hearing was adjourned. However, the meeting itself wasn’t adjourned and the AUDIO at the end is of a room of many people talking all at once and then the video itself is cut.