Full Transparency: All poll results and the number of votes. Conclusion: Question not really answered.
Real Poll on Romantic Restaurant Gives Mixed Results
Gardner Magazine noticed that another publication had published a poll regarding what is the most Romantic Restaurant in the area. Only problem: The names of restaurants were pre-listed with some local restaurants already excluded. So we decided to do a real poll with local Social Media members choosing their own options. When publishing a poll, the user must have at least one option, so we put in what we thought was an innocuous term, “Home”. Our observation was that some thought the question was ridiculous and others took it seriously. Also note that the term “Greater Gardner” means something different to different people. So here are the actual unvarnished results after 1 week. Click on each poll graphic to see a larger view.
Gardner MA Uncensored: Home 8%, There isn’t one 67%, I guess Sawa 6%, Taco Bell 4%, Corner booth at William’s 6%, Gardner Ale House 3%, Williams 2%, Dumpster behind McDonald’s 2%, Backseat of car 2% Total Votes 89

Publisher’s Note: We all know how far off various polls can be even when careful protocols are observed. For example, even in a Presidential poll, pollsters rotate which candidate’s name is mentioned first as even that can affect results. In our case, one social media group seized upon “Home” as a desired response, the other did not, but seized upon a member’s “there isn’t one”. Conclusion: Our poll did not really answer the original question, but we decided it would be useful to publish the results along with the number of respondents.