This is the complete Press Release of Mayor Nicholson on 12-17-24. See separate article re George Tyros report to the City Council, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Mayor Nicholson Makes Changes in Light of Maki Park Issue
In a Press Release of December 17, 2024, Mayor Michael Nicholson stated the following:
I would like to thank Councilor Tyros and the City Council for their thorough review of the processes related to the Maki Park Project. I was disappointed and surprised when the issues arose with relation to this project, and I believe the review that was conducted brought to light various breakdowns in departmental communications that need to be addressed in order to ensure our departments and employees are operating as efficiently and effectively as possible. Put simply, there are policies and procedures that need to change. In a modern working environment, it is important to give individual departments a certain degree of autonomy to do the work they were hired to do. We hire our staff based on the education, training, and experience they bring to the table without being micromanaged in the projects they undertake. However, when issues arise and significant errors occur, such as in this instance, it is my job as mayor to ensure that these issues get corrected to prevent this from happening again- both in the immediate short term and in the longer term.
To that end I have made, or will soon be taking the following actions.
- I have appointed Katharine Jablonski, my executive aide, to the CDBG Steering Committee. This will give my office direct oversight of the CDBG program allowing me to keep a closer eye on their projects.
- The CDBG Steering Committee will meet monthly.
- I am changing the departmental report policy. When I took office, I instituted a policy whereby City department would submit to my office bi-annual (6-month) reports of current and pending projects. Going forward, this will be done quarterly.
- Full department head meetings will also be increased to quarterly to coincide with quarterly reports. This will synchronize communication and updates between departments so department heads are aware of work being done elsewhere in the City that may impact their department, or that their department should have a role in.
- I will require and conduct weekly staff meetings for the Department of Community Development and Planning until all current and pending projects reach completion.
Our role in local government is to work together to ensure that we work together to move the City forward and provide our residents with the quality services they deserve. This is an example of how that collaboration works. I appreciate the work of Councilor Tyros in bringing these issues to light, but also in working to come up with a plan to make sure things simply get better.
As I continue to review this situation, and the Department of Community Development and Planning in general, I will submit a full proposal to the City Council for longer term responses to these issues in early 2025 to include operational adjustments, ordinance proposals, and updated internal procedures.
Michael J. Nicholson, Mayor of the City of Gardner.