How do we know bill had no opposition? 1. From the vote itself 2. Bills get posted daily and a legislator could object in advance of a vote. If 10% of House members, or 16 for example would agree to the objection then a roll call vote would be required. While we have no doubt the rants will continue, we hope they will be ignored for the nonsense they’ve been proven to be.
Editorial: Former Councilor Scott Graves Makes Fool of Himself with Waterford Rants
For weeks now, former City Councilor Scott Graves has posted various rants regarding Massachusetts approval of the former Waterford Street School usage change to general municipal use. That approval means the City of Gardner can enter into leases with prospective tenants. Graves says there should have been a 2/3 vote because of other concerns. Well, the bill passed unanimously on a voice vote by both the House and Senate. 2/3 would be 67%, the bill got 100%. That’s more than 2/3, Scott! It had NO opposition so a roll call vote was not required. And prior to the legislation being passed, the bill had undergone careful scrutiny by lawyers at the State House. In my opinion, this is a very clear example of egregiously false information allowed by that rogue Gardner Facebook Group.
The Waterford Community Center is an example of the best of government, coming together for the good of the taxpayers by preserving a building rather letting it fall in disrepair. The good to be done at the Center will benefit Gardner for generations to come.