See the guide from the Secretary of State’s office regarding all ballot questions. It is comprehensive, comprising 164 pages with both supporting and opposing views on each question. CLICK HERE.
To get a sample ballot for anywhere in Massachusetts from ballotpedia, CLICK HERE.
Ballot Questions Create Debate in Fall Election
The Five Questions on the November Ballot in Massachusetts
Question 1 would give the State Auditor the authority to audit the legislature. Question 2 would eliminate the MCAS Requirement in Massachusetts. The testing requirement has been an integral part of Massachusetts education planning for many years. Gardner Magazine opposes eliminating MCAS for one simple reason: Massachusetts is listed #3 in education nationwide. (See US News ratings, CLICK HERE) Why mess with a winning formula?
Question 3 concerns unionization for transportation network drivers. Question 4 concerns limited legalization and regulation of certain natural psychedelic substances. Gardner Magazine opposes Question 4 for a very simple reason: We don’t need to provide another way for people to get high and avoid reality. It’s harmful.
Question 5 concerns the minimum wage for tipped workers. Those in favor of Question 5 believe all workers should receive the minimum wage, whether tipped or not. Question 5 phases that in over a 5 year period. Those opposed have taken the position that the measure would hurt restaurants and tipped workers and would have the effect of reducing their pay. Gardner Mayor Nicholson is among those opposed to Question 5 stating, “I stand with restaurants, servers, bartenders, and tipped workers in opposing Question 5.” The Mayor stated he was proud to join 12 Mayors from across Massachusetts in opposition. Rick Walton, owner of Moon Hill Brewing and the Gardner Ale House released a short video in opposition to 5. Listen to the AUDIO on any device.
Rick Walton states “It angers me so much because I feel like it’s personal. It’s going after my business, trying to take down my employees, in particular my TIP servers….The joy of dining out will go away if question five passes.”
Offices on the Ballot: Federal – Donald Trump or Kamala Harris for U.S. President (some others with other parties) Elizabeth Warren or John Keaton for U.S. Senator, and James McGovern or Cornelius Shea for Representative in Congress Second District, Lori Trahan is running unopposed for U.S. Representative in Congress District 3. State offices: Governor’s Council District 7 is Paul DePalo running against Andrew Couture. — State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik or Challenger Bruce Chester, State Senator for the Worcester – Hampshire District Peter Durant versus Challenger Sheila Dibb.