Various “Loud Booms” have been heard in the area over the last month or so. The cause: A Cannon. If you know who the culprit is, please let your local Police Department know.
Cause of Greater Gardner “Loud Booms” Revealed
It’s Not an Earthquake…
In the evening of September 3, 2024, countless residents reported on Facebook that they heard a loud boom. Some reported the sound of an explosion. Some reported shaking. The earthquake map from the USGS does not show recent earthquakes in the area. See map, CLICK HERE.
The Weston Observatory at Boston College is part of the New England Seismic Network. They have reports of earthquakes in 2024, but not near here. More Info, CLICK HERE. Significant earthquakes in New England date back to 1638, but they have been few and far between. More info, CLICK HERE.
Loud Boom is an Illegal Cannon
Gardner Police Chief Eric McAvene wrote, “There is someone with a handmade blank (not made to fire projectiles) cannon somewhere in the area of Otter River on the Templeton/Gardner lines. It goes off intermittently and our officers have not been able to locate the source. This happened several years back and we were eventually able to locate it, seize and charge the person. We’re not sure whether it’s Templeton or Gardner this time. The noise can carry a long way.” If you have information on the culprit, please contact the Gardner Police at (978) 632-5600