Gardner Assessor Concludes City Should Meet New Growth Value
The Board of Assessors met with members Assessor Christine Kumar and Paulette Burns. Listen to the exciting meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Assessor Kumar stated, “We do have a little update. So, the residential, commercial, industrial values have been adjusted. I can continue to make small adjustments based on building permits, as long as I’m not changing anything that was a 2023 sale. Because that’s what’s used for the analysis. We are waiting for RRSP to complete their analysis of personal property. I expect to hear from them within the next two weeks, letting me know that they’re done. Once they are done, I can submit the values, the LA-4, to the state for approval along with the new growth. We should be able to meet our estimate of $250,000 impact value for new growth. That’s what we were aiming for. I was a little skeptical as to whether or not we’d get there, but I think that we will. So, that’ll be good. If we do get that information submitted in the next couple of weeks, I would only expect the state to take less than a week, probably, to approve everything. So, again, we’ll be good. And then, I did give you this, which is just kind of the numbers on where we are with the exemption applications. We’ve mailed out a total of 192. We received 124 back. So, we’re at about 65% received. So, what I’ve done today, there are 68 envelopes going out, reminders to the people who haven’t sent things back yet. So, that’s plenty of time. I mean, technically, they have until April. Well, you know, it makes my life easier in the long run. And I’m old. I don’t remember everything.”