GAAMHA plans to hold its 2nd annual Christmas Tree Fundraiser this Fall. Last year, over 500 Christmas trees were sold. This year visitors will be able to meet two of the rarest ponies on earth, Hope and Chestnutt.
GAAMHA’s Shawn Hayden on Pony Births and Ongoing Family of Services
Gardner Magazine spoke with GAAMHA President and CEO Shawn Hayden about the recent births of rare Newfoundland Ponies Hope and Chesnutt and about the many services offered by GAAMHA. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY
About the ponies Shawn Hayden stated, “For the last couple of years, one of the groups of animals we’ve been caring for through our program are these Newfoundland ponies. And Newfoundland ponies are quite literally the rarest ponies in the world. It’s a breed that nearly went extinct a couple of decades ago…. A couple years ago we connected with the Newfoundland Pony Conservancy Center, a group of just hardworking people doing their best to save that breed. And so we’ve been home to anywhere between 9 and 11 ponies at different times and trying to support their network of rescues and breeders.” A stallion from Maine impregnated two mares, Dreamer and Shandy, resulting in the recent births. With only about 15 births worldwide each year of this breed, 2 births at one location is an extremely notable event.
We also spoke with Shawn about GAAMHA’s continuing services to the community and various programs offered for those with mental health and substance abuse disorders. For more information about any of the services, please visit their website, CLICK HERE.